Autumn Joy (NSFW)
Both Lammas and Mabon are past, the first and second harvests have been reaped, and Autumn is fully upon us here in the north. Now we’ve entered my favorite time of year.
While each season has its place and its own special beauty, Autumn is, to me at least, the most delicious of times.
The cool air, warm colors, and the sense that all of nature is making ready to turn inward towards the hearth to rest and enjoy the bounty of the harvest all combine to make this a joyful time.
Tags: Autumn | Babes | Erotica | Mabon | Nature | Nudes | Paganism | Religion | Seasons | Women
October 5th, 2011 at 11:43 am
Beautiful, sky clad, how can one go wrong? Final harvest, greatest beauty of The Mother…
October 5th, 2011 at 1:14 pm
Glad you liked it, cmblake6.
The Final Harvest has a different and darker meaning in my particular faith though, so hearing someone else describe it as the greatest beauty caused me a bit of a frisson.