A Dark, Hateful Truth

Liberals and Progressives, almost all of whom happen to be White, seem to hold a deep love for the Blacks that they enable and pander to. This is, however, an one-sided and utterly unrequited love. The dark and hateful truth is that the Blacks hate those White Liberals and Progressives nigh on as much as they hate the average White American.

No matter how much liberals try to remove themselves from the burden of racism, white supremacist ideology – which governs all systems in America – holds them just as guilty to its effects. Like Pilate, their hands are still full of so much blood; though they may not directly offer up communities of color and indigenous communities to be discriminated against and oppressed, colorblind policies do very little to stop the mass annihilation of a deeply marginalized people.

Appearances can be deceiving. Sure, liberals may be down for the cause, march in our marches, go through the anti-racism trainings, attend conferences on social justice and reconciliation, advocate for equal pay and living wages, press for an end to mass incarceration and police brutality, and even quote the thought leaders of our present day movements – so long as the freedoms of others do not threaten their own, they are there. But the moment, the moment, when the freedoms and power of people of color and indigenous folks appear to threaten their own sense of ownership, pride, and identity, they function just as criminal as the conservative other.

Ebony Johanna

The funny thing is that it’s doubtful that the Liberals and Progressives would be too offended to find out how the Blacks really think of them. Liberals’ and Progressives’ views of Blacks is odd and rather pernicious mix of paternalism ala “The White Man’s Burden” and ethno-guiltism. Hence, they both expect no better from the Blacks and derive some sort pleasure from the Blacks’ hatred, it feeding their pathological need for punishment.

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Asian Grading System

There’s a reason why Asians tend as a whole to excel in America and outperform all other demographics. It’s the same reason as why so many other minorities, especially the Blacks, hate them with a sick passion. It’s also the very same reason that, in the name of diversity – and maintaining “Legacy” enrollmentacademia is prejudiced against them.


Asian Grading System
(Click to Enlarge)

Yes, the picture above is meant to be humor…but it’s humor grounded, as is all the best humor, in social commentary about real situations, behaviors, and attitudes.

  • A = Average
  • B = Below Average
  • C = Can’t Have Dinner
  • D = Don’t Come Home
  • F = Find A New Family

This is not too far off the mark from how Asian parents, by and large, deal with their children’s education and success therein. They expect diligence, responsibility, and a strong work ethic, demand such things from their children, and aren’t afraid of using discipline to get them.

Yep! The Asian Grading System, it’s the reason why Asian, irrespective of the socioeconomic strata they come from and despite sometimes massive cultural and linguistic barriers, tend to succeed and outperform, as a group, others in America.

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Real White “Privilege”

White Privilege
The Truth Of White Privilege

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Obama: You Failed Me

Yesterday, June 19, 2015 Obama gave yet another speech, this time in Beverly Hills, CA, and he was not happy. Apparently, he’s become quite disillusioned and now believes that his constituency has failed him.

“When I ran in 2008, I in fact did not say I would fix it. I said we could fix it,” Obama told an audience of about 250 at a fundraising event here at the stately hillside home of film mogul Tyler Perry. “I didn’t say, ‘Yes, I can.’ I said, ‘Yes, we can.'”

The president continued: “If you’re dissatisfied that every few months we have a mass shooting in this country killing innocent people, then I need you to mobilize and organize a constituency that says this is not normal and we are going to change it.”

— Barack Obama

This, of course, is Obama in a nutshell. The boy hasn’t failed; instead, he’s been failed by anyone and everyone. Or, at least, that’s how Obama’s pettiness and narcissism demands that he see things.

Yet, to borrow Obama’s catchphrase, Let me be clear – he’s not entirely wrong in what he said. A POTUS has deliberately limited ability to affect change and his greatest tool, the Bully Pulpit, only works if people respond to the POTUS’ rhetoric with action…and the Liberals, Progressives, and their minority tenants by and large have repeatedly failed to do so.

The problem with Obama’s belief, attitude, and angry rhetoric is that he’s stupid to believe that his constituency would ever take action. All of them are Statists looking for the Nanny State to take care of them and/or those who they see as possessing “protected traits.” If they were cognitively, emotionally, and philosophically willing and able to take responsibility for getting done what they feel needs to be done they wouldn’t have been likely to need the State to accomplish things in the first place.

True, they elected Obama because he was a Black. Yet they still expected him to be their messiah and to get the jobs they wanted done with as little effort and sacrifice on their parts as was possible.

This again is Obama in a nutshell. The boy doesn’t expect to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear; he expects the sow to do it herself.

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Simple Diet Choices

Liberals and Progressives within America’s borders love to rant, rail, and rave about “food deserts” and “food insecurity” and at the same time about America’s “obesity epidemic,” which they oddly and counterintuitively claim disproportionately impacts the same demographics who are supposedly suffering under those “food deserts” and “food insecurity.”

In some ways the lament of the Liberals and Progressives makes a certain logical sense. Within their internal logic structure outcomes can never be because of choices. Hence, all diet-related issues and outcome must be due to external, societal oppression and must be rectified by the state.

Simple Diet Choices

poor-white-diet Poor White Diet Choices
poor-black-diet Poor Black Diet Choices
(Click Either to Enlarge)

Look, I like fast food as much as the next person, probably even more than most do, but I make the choice not to try to make it mainstay of my diet. Others, especially those who are supposedly The Poor, should make the same choice. Doing so would improve both their economic and health outcomes, the latter dramatically.

And, while the Left and their minority tenants make a lot of excuses for why simple shopping and cooking is beyond the capacity of the poor, that’s all they are – excuses. Even in New York City it’s not that difficult to eat healthily for minimal expenditures – and I’m not talking about trying to live on a diet of bean, rice, and pasta.

All this takes is the will to make simple diet choices and to learn – there’s an internet! – how to enact them. If that’s actually and truthfully too much for some, then that’s simply evolution speaking.

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