Sinophobia Intervention Team

Sinophobia Intervention Team

Don’t Feel Bad. Sometimes We All Need An Intervention

What with it being Chinese Lunar New Year and certain sorts rabidly ignoring reality and science and refusing to move past the COVID-19 aka the Wuhan Flu panicdemic, now seems a good time to remind people not to be Sinophobic. 😉

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The Worst Racism

The Worst Racism Experienced In America Is That Experienced By A Cute Asian Girl Trying To Break Into Burlesque
The Worst Racism – An Asian Trying To Break Into Burlesque

The Blacks are almost always hooting, hollering, and jabbering about racism, and many of the Hispanics are right down there with them, at least when anyone tries to limit illegal immigration. The truth of the matter, however, is that it’s a subset of the “Good Minority,” the Asians, that suffer the greatest and more specifically pernicious racism in modern America.

Hellfire! Forget even the racism, bigotry, prejudice and “social justice” that Asians experience when trying to get into a decent college. The absolute worst and saddest for diversity’s sake racism is the racism even the cutest and most beautiful Asian girls face if and when they try to break into burlesque as a career. 😉

Really! They might as well just put up signs outside the audition halls reading Kerei On’nanoko and/or Piàoliang De NÇšhái need not apply.

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Teaching Race Matters

White bitch screaming, That's Racist!Most people in America can agree that educating our children is important. The issue in contention is what America’s school system has devolved and degenerated into since it was suborned by the perniciously anti-American and anti-White Liberals and Progressives. Our people’s domestic enemies’ preferred curricula, which has nothing at all to do with proper the learning of skills and citizenship, is grossly offensive to the majority of Americans.

Anti-White, Libtard Everett Middle School Principal Lena Van HarenSan Francisco’s Everett Middle School Principal Lena Van Haren is a perfect example of this. When the student body “failed” to elect a proper mix of races to top positions in the student government, Haren decided to withhold the election results in the name of diversity. Haren, another oikophobic, White Liberal, believes in teaching that race matters more than anything else, to the point of overriding the choices the students freely made.

Under pressure from parents and the district administration, Haren finally announced the election results Monday afternoon, going class to class with the information. Yet she swears she did the right thing as was trying to guarantee representation for underrepresented students.

“This is middle school. It’s not a presidential election,” she said. “It was not about hurting democracy or putting diversity over democracy.”

She said she wanted to wait until there was a plan — created with student input — to increase diversity among student leaders, perhaps by adding positions.

Of course, Haren’s opinion of the matter runs afoul of the facts at hand and demographics at Everett Middle School, a school in which Whites and Asians are the underrepresented minorities.

Source: Todd Trumbull / The Chronicle
Everett Middle School’s Student Race Demographics

It’s true, White, Asian and mixed-race students, who are each in the minority at the school, took the top four spots in the students – but only because the bulk of the primarily Hispanic student body voted for them over other candidates, assuming of course that there were candidates of other races.

Apparently Haren considers the Hispanic and Black students who voted for candidates of the “wrong” races to be Malinchistas and Uncle Toms and in desperate need of racial solidarity reeducation.

I think it’s safe to say that the American people have little to no use for a school system that will allow Haren’s sort to be employed within it, much less rise to a level of dangerous authority.

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Asian Grading System

There’s a reason why Asians tend as a whole to excel in America and outperform all other demographics. It’s the same reason as why so many other minorities, especially the Blacks, hate them with a sick passion. It’s also the very same reason that, in the name of diversity – and maintaining “Legacy” enrollmentacademia is prejudiced against them.


Asian Grading System
(Click to Enlarge)

Yes, the picture above is meant to be humor…but it’s humor grounded, as is all the best humor, in social commentary about real situations, behaviors, and attitudes.

  • A = Average
  • B = Below Average
  • C = Can’t Have Dinner
  • D = Don’t Come Home
  • F = Find A New Family

This is not too far off the mark from how Asian parents, by and large, deal with their children’s education and success therein. They expect diligence, responsibility, and a strong work ethic, demand such things from their children, and aren’t afraid of using discipline to get them.

Yep! The Asian Grading System, it’s the reason why Asian, irrespective of the socioeconomic strata they come from and despite sometimes massive cultural and linguistic barriers, tend to succeed and outperform, as a group, others in America.

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The Good Underboobs

I’ve noted in a previous and related article that Asian aren’t “Of Color” or even “minorities” according to the Blacks, Blatinos, and Latinos – Brown People – and the Liberals and Progressives that equally pander to- and exploit them. The “Black Community” is especially prone to reviling Asian in America, disparagingly calling them “The Good Minority.”

So here’s The Good Underboobs and Sideboobs…

The Good Underboobs

And quite good they are too. Despite being, as a group, disadvantaged when it comes to underboobs and sideboobs, many Asian women have not only assimilated well but actually outperform the Blacks, Blatinos, and Latinas who so despise them.

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