Women’s March Cancelled

Womens March Cancelled For Being Too White - They failed to meet local racial quotas
Eureka, CA’s Womens March Cancelled For Being Too White

The upcoming Women’s March in Eureka, CA has been been cancelled by its organizers because it was Too White. After meeting with various SJW cells, it’s organizers chose to cancel the event because it participants did meet the non-White racial quotas needed to “properly” represent the demographics of Humboldt County.

Humboldt County organizers and supporters of the annual Women’s March have decided to not hold a rally in Eureka on January 19th. This decision was made after many conversations between local social-change organizers and supporters of the march.

The local organizers are continuing to meet and discuss how to broaden representation in the organizing committee to create an event that represents and supports peoples who live here in Humboldt. Up to this point, the participants have been overwhelmingly white, lacking representation from several perspectives in our community. Instead of pushing forward with crucial voices absent, the organizing team will take time for more outreach.

Allison Edrington

Now me? I’m forced to wonder if those “many conversations” with “social-change” groups was more akin to dealing with threats from those groups, be it counter-protests or otherwise. After all, this would have been the #PussyHats’ 3rd year of their march in Eureka. So it’s not like there’s a real problem internally to this womyns’ group.

Also, I’m really not sure what they think that can do to “darken” their march. It’s small, normally having only between 5000 – 8000 participants and Humbolt County is, like most of America, predominantly White. Indeed, at 82.7% White, it’s Whiter than the national average of 72.4%.

Humboldt County, CA Demographics

Race Population # Population %
White 110,418 82.70%
Hispanic 12,771 9.60%
Native American 7,718 5.80%
Mixed 6,317 4.70%
Other(???) 3,959 3.00%
Asian 3,131 2.30%
Black 1,590 1.20%
Pacific Islander 452 0.30%

Frankly, it just sounds to me as if these hand-wringing and angsty Feminists are just suffering from an “Identity Crisis.” 😆 Then, “Identity” is core these days to ideologies that lead people into groups like the Women’s March, even though it has almost nothing to do with their supposed mission.

But please! Who are these people who identify as “Other?” Are they Martians? Romulans? Squidoids From the 3rd moon of Gliese 581g?

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Differently Risky Sex

I’ve said before that men should eschew “relations” with White womyn do to the risks of false and/or inane sexual misconduct allegations such as we’re seeing more and more often. I’ve also suggested safer, even safer, and safest options. But allow me to point out that there is also differently risky sex and sexual partners.

Differently Risky Sex

While it’s true that country girls are far, far, far less likely to attack you with spurious and/or inane sexual misconduct accusations – especially decades after the supposed incident, they do present a different set of risks for men.

First off, they do tend to actually have families and those families, especially the fathers and brothers, might not take a liking to you at all and most certainly won’t take a liking to you mistreating – by their definition – their womenfolk. Given that rural people are less shy about physical confrontation that the city folk, this presents an immediate risk.

Secondly, that country girl probably doesn’t need her father’s or brothers’ intervention. If you don’t treat her right – by her definition – she just may do for you herself. 😉

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Safest Sex

I’ve pointed out that the current climate make sex with White womyn risky. I’ve pointed out how sex with Black women is safer, and how sex with Desi girls is even safer yet.  But, if one wants to have the safest sex, one must go to the Asian babes.

Even Safer Sex

Yes, it’s true; you will find some very few Asian womyn among that #PinkPussyHat brigade, but even they are safer than most for men since they focus on the actual issue of “Yellow Fever” rather than inventing rape allegations for fame, fortune, or political gain. The vast majority of Asian women have better things to do and more skills to accomplish those things with than to go around screaming #MeToo and attacking the “patriarchy” through false allegations of “sexual misconduct.”

So, Asian women are truly the safest sexual option for White men. Besides, through the vagaries of evolution, they tend towards what we consider beautiful and many were raised not to hate their own femininity or men’s masculinity.

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Even Safer Sex

Gentlemen, as I’ve counseled before, we’ve seen the mobs of #MeToo and we’ve learned what they think and want. And, we should know that it’s past time for us to start practicing safer sex and making sure that our sons learn to do so as well.

Even Safer Sex

I’ve pointed out that almost every one of the #MeToo sorts and the vast majority of the #PussyHat brigade are White womyn, and I have suggested we men avoid them when it comes to sex, dating, and reproduction in favor of a safer sexual alternative in the form of Black women and teach our sons to do the same.

But, Black women, as fine as so many are and as much as they are a safer alternative to White womyn, aren’t completely safe. Just look to Tawana Brawley, Anita Hill, and Crystal Mangum as examples that there’s still risk for men associated with them.

An even safer – and no less delightful – sexual choice is Desi Women, those oft-times dusky lovelies of the Indian subcontinent and their peoples’ diaspora. And, not only are they “under-represented” among the ranks of the toxic Feminists, these beautiful women are the daughter-heirs of the Kama Sutra and Tantra; how wrong could man go? 😉

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Safer Sex

Gentlemen, we’ve seen their mobs and we’ve learned what they think and want. Hence, it is past time for us to start practicing safer sex and making sure that our sons learn to do so as well.

Gentlemen, Practice Safer Sex

As a start to this, consider that almost every one of the #MeToo sorts and the vast majority of the #PussyHat brigade are White womyn. So it makes sense that being safer could be accomplished by partnering with Black women instead. 😉 After all, chocolate and vanilla are a natural, if too often overlooked, pairing.

Protect yourselves and protect your sons.  Practice safer sex!

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