A Romney Supporter?

According to the Liberals, Progressives, and Black Leaders, Blacks must vote Democrat or not be Black. Blacks who fail to abide by this stricture meet with vicious reprisals from the soldiers of the “Black Community” and Leftist talking heads.

Being branded an “Oreo” is the least of American Black’s worries and, as such, some brave souls have decided to reclaim the word, “Oreo.”

Assimilation Failure
They Must Have Found Out She’s A Republican

Others have decided that, if the choice is between the “Black Community” and America, they’ll choose America and assimilate as all immigrants must eventually do.

Either that or she just really, really, really loves those delicious sandwich cookies. πŸ˜†

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Comparing Class

It comes down to the content of the characters
Romney v. Obama – Class v. Class Warfare

When it comes right down to it, it often is the content of a man’s character that will determine whether or not he will be successful in his endeavors. A man lacking in class is not likely to succeed for long in the public’s eye.

Let every American hope, pray, and strive to ensure that the 2012 elections are not an exception to this rule because we, our children, and our children’s children will not well survive otherwise.

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Choose Wisely In November

The 2012 elections are nearly upon us. Soon we will able to choose many of political figures, including the Presidency. We must choose wisely and not doubt or misunderstand what we will be choosing.

Choose The Destroyer
Choose The Destroyer

We get to choose the destroyer and what will be targeted for destruction, America or her enemies, both foreign and domestic.

We can choose Stay Puft Daddy Obama or we can Mitt Romney who, at least, could answer Gozer’s question, “Are you a God?” with the answer of, “Not yet, but my soul will grow to be as my Heavenly Parents.” πŸ˜›

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Foreign Policy Debate

Tonight, Monday, October 22, 2012 is the third and final Presidential Debate between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. This debate is scheduled to focus on foreign policy. Given everything that has happened recently, this may be the watershed event of this election.

On the other hand, I could barely care about it. Listening the Journ-O-list, Bob Schieffer shape the message to suit his biases doesn’t intrigue me and there’s really only one question on this general topic I would want put to Obama.

Mr. President, which department of your government do you consider the spearhead of your foreign policy, State or Interior?

Given the boy’s words, actions, and the people he’s surrounded himself with during his tenure in politics, it certainly seems a reasonable and important question to put forth bluntly at last.

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What Can We Do?

What can we do? What step can America, as a nation and a people, do to quell Muslim terrorists and make sure that attacks such as those in Benghazi, libya don’t happen again?

What steps can we take to quell Muslim terrorism?
What Steps Can We Take?

That’s a difficult question because many of those steps come with political and economic prices attached to them. The first step is clear and easy though. Get the piece of Dhimmi filth currently befouling the White House out office and replace it with a man who recognizes America’s enemies instead of recognizing America as his enemy.

If we don’t take that first step, we’ll never be allowed to take another.


He will be responsible for letting a condition develop in this country which will create a climate that will bring seeds up out of the ground with vegetation on the end of them looking like something his people never dreamed of. In 2012, it’s the ballot or the bullet and either one is a valid means to salvation.

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