RTO? Not Bloody Likely!

RTO? Not Bloody Likely!
RTO? Not Bloody Likely!

Periodically we’ve been hearing about a movement to Return To the Office now that the panicdemic – if not to some people’s minds the pandemic itself – is over. For most of a year now we’ve been hearing about it and that is likely to increase in frequency, desperation, and stridency in 2023. But, quite frankly, I don’t see it happening for the most part or across many industries that actually moved to remote work due to COVID-19.

But, simply and statistically put, the majority of workers who can work remotely want to continue to do so forever. Hence, it’s not bloody likely that RTO will gain much traction in the foreseeable future.

I’m Not Even Going To Try Getting My Work Clothes Back

And besides, the wise amongst us have already repurposed our investmentwearthe clothes we purchased and maintained for fiduciary purposes – for other purposes that brought us better, more immediate, and more long-lasting benefits. 😉

I mean, honestly, I haven’t worm my old businesswear in years and I’m not going to try to get them back from my women at this point.

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‘Tis An Ill Wind …

If it is an ill wind that blows nobody any good, then the coronavirus, COVID-19 is not an ill wind. It has blown us some good along with the bad. This pandemic has blown us some both Corona QTs and a reevaluation of the best and most proper use for businesswear.

Corona QTs

‘Tis An Ill Wind That Blows Nobody Any Good
And Corona QTs Are Good

It’s a simple truth; Corona QTs aka COVID QTs are good things and are also examples of the resilience and plasticity of Western Culture. These women showed the world that they can and have not only adapted but turned the pandemic into their own niche space.


‘Tis An Ill Wind That Blows Nobody Any Good
And Using Our Businesswear Right Is Good

And, the COVID-19 pandemic and insanely restrictive countermeasures enacted to “flatten the curve” also taught us how to best use what used to be our businesswear. The situation, bad as it is, has blown many of us the good of teaching us – re-teaching/reminding those of us who are older – that such clothing is an investment.


So, given the plethora of very, very fine evidence presented above, it’s safe to say that COVID-19 is far from an ill wind since it has blown many of us much good along with the horrifically bad, 😉

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Investment Professional


You Might Want An Investment Professional

With so very many options for your investmentwear, it just might behoove each of us to engage the services of an investment professional to help us maintain a solid and diversified portfolio. 😉

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Invest In Asian Markets


Invest In Asian Markets

Yes, there are issues in parts of Asia, but don’t let your Sinophobia interfere with good “business” decisions. Remember, businesswear should be diversified.

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Invest In Strength


Invest In Strength

Yes, she’s strong; she’s independent; she can take on the world. That still doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to wear your shit around the house or during times when you’re apart.

If you’re with a woman like this and you’ve got an iota of wisdom, you’ll invest in her strength and bolster it. And, there’s really no excuse not to do so in these times, what with the resurgence of COVID-19 and all.

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