Before Betty White

Before Betty White
Before Betty White There Was…

ROFLMAO And yes; in case you don’t get it, Otto Frederick Rohwedder both invented the bread slicing machine and first sold pre-sliced bread in 1928, whereas the paralleled Betty White was born in 1922. Hence, sliced bread is the best thing since Betty White, not the other way around. 😉

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‘Tis An Ill Wind …

If it is an ill wind that blows nobody any good, then the coronavirus, COVID-19 is not an ill wind. It has blown us some good along with the bad. This pandemic has blown us some both Corona QTs and a reevaluation of the best and most proper use for businesswear.

Corona QTs

‘Tis An Ill Wind That Blows Nobody Any Good
And Corona QTs Are Good

It’s a simple truth; Corona QTs aka COVID QTs are good things and are also examples of the resilience and plasticity of Western Culture. These women showed the world that they can and have not only adapted but turned the pandemic into their own niche space.


‘Tis An Ill Wind That Blows Nobody Any Good
And Using Our Businesswear Right Is Good

And, the COVID-19 pandemic and insanely restrictive countermeasures enacted to “flatten the curve” also taught us how to best use what used to be our businesswear. The situation, bad as it is, has blown many of us the good of teaching us – re-teaching/reminding those of us who are older – that such clothing is an investment.


So, given the plethora of very, very fine evidence presented above, it’s safe to say that COVID-19 is far from an ill wind since it has blown many of us much good along with the horrifically bad, 😉

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Truth Is A Tyrant

The Truth will not set you free. Truth is a tyrant that will enslave you and cast you into a bondage more absolute than any falsehood or ignorance could.

— jonolan

The old adage, “the Truth will set you free” is sadly wrong. No freedom is bestowed by knowledge of the Truth. Knowledge of any Truth removes the possibility of error or judgment, and thereby eliminates one’s freedom.

The enslavement by falsehood or ignorance can be replaced by another falsehood or error that provides for more freedom than the original lie or error did. However, no such alternative exists for the Truth. That is an absolute and does not brook dissembling or evasion.

While the truth is unknown one has the freedom to take various actions, many of which will be based on false premises. These opportunities represent a freedom that falsehood or ignorance provides. A person, innocent of Truth, can do many things; one’s choices may well be near boundless.

Once one knows a truth one can no longer dissemble or evade the consequences of that knowledge. It is a thing that is. The choices one has are now chained by that Truth. To act differently is to act in willful error.

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All Life Is Conflict

All life is conflict; there is no peace this side of the grave.

— jonolan

All living things are in a state of conflict with other living things. Even plants struggle against each other for sunlight, water and soil. The natural cycle of predation is a very basic and primal example of the constant struggle between lifeforms for their very survival.

There is also the even more basic struggle the living engage in with their environment. The old adage of “adapt or die” is a perfect summation of this struggle to adapt to changing conditions that are at odds with a creature’s or plant’s continued survival.

Among people these primal conflicts are often expanded into conflicts over wealth, status and power. No longer just a struggle for survival, the conflict turned into wars of ideologies as Man grew to think beyond his immediate fleshly needs.

Finally there is Man’s internal conflict – his struggle with himself. The unrelenting struggle Man engages in with himself will outlast all other forms of conflict that he engages in and will continue until death.

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A Man Without Hope

While it is a truism that a man without fear is a man without hope, it is a truth that a man without hope is a man without fear.

— jonolan

Hope is the belief or faith that an individual’s circumstances will improve, or at least not deteriorate further. This allows for the existence of the awareness of- and concern about consequence. A man who possesses some hope for his future is necessarily concerned about the potential negative impacts of his actions; he will not make a habit of engaging in potentially self damaging acts without at least some concern and trepidation. The lack of such hope removes the specter of negative consequence from a man’s mind and leaves him free to take such actions as he will without restraint.

Most men who lack hope are sunk in apathy; the lack of fear is concomitant with a lack of motivation, so that the individual tends to initiate few activities. These people are essentially passive, but may respond in unexpected and unrestrained manner to externally imposed stimuli. Some men however respond to the lack of hope with perilous vigor. They undertake courses of action that engender great change and greater danger to all those unlucky enough to surround them.

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