Our Elder Horror

Our Elder Horror
Behold Our Elder Horror

You young’uns will never understand. And, you should be the thankful that Gen X seems to have been last generation that was generally exposed to this sort of horror. You were never exposed to – and expected to eat – these eldritch monstrosities known as “jello salads.” You never had to and probably never will have to smile at the “church ladies” while trying to choke down some horrific combination of jello, mayonnaise, meat and vegetables.

We are not the same!

Frankly, I think those church lunches, socials, and picnics – all rife with these hellish concoctions – did more for the Atheists’ cause than anything the Democrats did. 😆

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How Long In Costume?

How Long
How Long?

Hehe… How long in costume? As long as it takes and at least until November 24th if you’re smart. 😆

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If People Were Like Vegans

If People Were Like Vegans
If People Were Like Vegans…

That’s a funny truth! If people were like Vegans, we’d have a plethora of fake vegetable products akin to Beyond Salad. Of course, if people were like Vegans, we’d also probably have already “cancelled” them. 😉

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The Wellingtons

The Wellingtons
The Wellingtons

ROFLMAO The Wellingtons, like so many ancient and illustrious families, have fallen far from what they were due to diversifying their bloodlines. 😉

And, As Harry Can Attest…

And yes, that lofty Wellington line, again like others, has spread itself even thinner and wider than the original image admits to. 😆 But hey! If Harry wants to stick his banger in Meghan’s meat pie, that’s a fine thing for them.

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Spicy British Humor

Spicy British Humor
Spicy British Humor

In the minds of the majority of Americans, British humor is thought of the same as they think of British cuisine – dry and bland. Well, in truth, British humor and food can be quite spicy. 😆

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