Portrait Of Idiocy

What is most amazing about the rabble of the OWS mobs is the o’erweening arrogance of them combined with their self-absorption, histrionics, and delusions of worth.

Portrait Of An Idiot - OWS at its self-absorbed, histrionic finest
But You Can And Must Evict Criminal Squatters & Insurgents

The image of this particular would-be insurgent sums up the attitude perfectly. It’s truly a portrait of idiocy.

Only this particular sort of over-indulged slacker would hoist a sign like that, as if ensuring that basic peacekeeping and the law were followed somehow stripped him and his ilk of their voice.

But then, the Occupations have never truly been protests. They’ve been attacks on the financial infrastructure of America, though largely ineffectual ones to-date.

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Occupy The Govt’s Teat?

When you boil it all down, according to their own quasi-manifesto, all the OWS rabble want is to “occupy the government’s teats,” sucking up money and refusing to grow up and be independent, productive adults.

Sucking Government Teat - That's All The Occupiers Want To Do
Sucking Government Teat, It’s All OWS Wants

A lot of deluded people focus on the slackers’ hatred of corporations involvement in politics and they’re having been allowed to suck government teat via TARP. This allows them to support OWS and feed their own classism and angst because they ignore the fact that the OWS “movement” wants to suck on those same teats themselves.

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Variation On A Theme

Just a humorous little variation on a theme –  specifically the theme of the Leftist lamestream media’s “reporting” of the TEA Party patriots and the OWS rabble.

I’d Suggest Changing To An American News Channel

Of course this is the same Lamestream MSM that consistently describes illegally squatting, theft, assault, spreading diseases, and disrupting businesses and Americans as “civil disobedience.” One does have to consider the source…

And you know, the OWS rabble and the Leftist media may well be true and staunch patriots. They’re just not American patriots.

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Occupy Bagram

The Occupy Wall St. “movement” has spread far and wide, quite far and wide in hilarious “fact.” It’s even reached Afghanistan.

Indeed, the members of Occupy Bagram have even prepared a message for the members of the domestic cells of OWS:

Occupy Bagram
A Message From Occupy Bagram

Of course, the Leftist slackers that make up the OWS rabble aren’t the sort to listen to any message from America’s military, except for those messages sent by traitors such as Bradley Manning and Scott Olsen and the broken, lost souls who joined the anti-military groups, MoveOn.org and/or Code Pink.

It’s been made clear by their jabbering rants that OWS doesn’t consider “Occupiers” as a positive title when they apply it to the patriotic American men and women serving America and freedom in benighted hellholes like Iraq and Afghanistan.

Any message about quitting bitching and whining and going out and earning a living is also unlikely to sit well with the OWS rabble. Firstly, if they were capable of doing that they wouldn’t be crying for handouts. Secondly, doing so would be to “go outside the expertise of their people.”


H/T to the redoubtable Michelle Malkin and to her source, Blackfive.

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Wall St On Nov 18

On November 17, 2011, the day after Mayor Bloomberg finally chased the OWS rabble out of Zuccotti Park, they vowed to shutdown Wall St and the financial institutions located there. They called it the Day Of Disruption

As should have been expected the slackers’ efforts were a pathetic failure. Also as should be expected, they had no staying power. While some shouted that the “event” would last all week or longer, Wall St. was quiet, peaceful, and efficient on November 18.

NYSE Nov 18 - No Occupation
NYSE Is Utterly Quiet

The police officers in NYPD’s security checkpoint at the NYSE were far more concerned about the fact that one part of the bottom bracing on their rain cover was broken than in anything going on around the NYSE – because nothing was going on.

Wall St. Nov 18 - No Occupation
Wall St. And Nassau St, Quiet As Well

Passersby and a few tourists could and did go about their business with no interference from the OWS rabble or law enforcement personnel charged with containing them.

So much for the OWS rabble’s Day Of Disruption and continuance of their illegal occupation of Lower Manhattan. Like all angry monkeys, they made a lot noise and flung a lot of feces but the creations of Man withstood them and enforced order upon them. Like all attempts at Socialism, it and it’s proponents were rejected by Americans.

I’d say that it was back to business as usual on Wall St. but business was largely never other than usual there during the occupation. It was only the small businesses and residents that were disrupted by the filth of OWS.

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