Poor Little Manning
Poor little Bradley Manning, he’s been held in solitary confinement in various military stockades for around seen months while awaiting trial on high crimes against the United States of America and it’s reported that he’s not fairing especially well in captivity.
Various groups of America’s enemies, both foreign and domestic, are not happy with this.
Since Manning has never denied his actions his guilt is not in any form of doubt. He made various statements that showed he was proud of his treason and happy that he provided aid and comfort to the Muslim terrorists we’re fighting and to their various supporters and shills within the Civilized World.
Therefor I say let the filthy traitor rot in solitary until he breaks apart, then try him and execute him, preferably by being hanged by the neck until dead, then dump his corpse in a landfill with the rest of the trash.
Alternatively, the US Military could, once Manning has provided the evidence we need against Assange and Wikileaks, make the appearance of bowing to the whims of the Liberals and other terrorist supporters and release the little freak, Manning into the general population of the stockade he’s being held in.
At a bare minimum this would be a strike at Assange and Wikileaks of the sort that would certainly quell their access to enemy collaborators.
It might also serve as a good and pointed foreshadowing of their personal futures or the lack thereof.
Manning is young, queer, weak, and a traitor. I’m sure his fellow military inmates will do for him in short order, and they’ll do far better, cheaper, and messier job of it than the overly sterile executions our government allows itself. 😉
Poor little Manning – damned if we do and damned if we don’t. Either way he’ll pay for his anti-American evil with his life.
Tags: America | Assange | Crime | Liberals | Manning | Politics | Terrorism | Terrorists | Treason | US Military | War
December 21st, 2010 at 8:47 am
Damn right! Fucker needs to be hanged. If the libtards don’t like it, they can shut the fuck up or get fucked up.
December 21st, 2010 at 9:43 am
Crudely said, but the sentiment is sound.