Harōkiti Futatabi

I wasn’t entirely jesting when I stated that I was concerned that Courtney Stodden’s 2012 “Hello Courtney” video, which was themed as cross between Hello Kitty and Nekomimi, was going to sour America on Nekomimi – as well as emotionally scar many women who grew up with Hello Kitty.

Harōkiti Futatabi

Fortunately, there’s a plethora of evidence to support the theory that these memes are more than robust enough to survive Stodden’s unusual sense of sexy and appropriate. 😉 So Harōkiti Futatabi (Hello Kitty Again).

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Showing My Feminist Side

Yes, I know that to many I come across as a staunch anti-Feminist. I assume that among the few of the Feminist females that I’ve interacted with I am labeled by them as grossly and horribly atavistic and misogynous. That, however, says far more about the mindsets and worth of my detractors than it does about me. I am, in point of fact, a true feminist with a great and abiding love for women. It can hardly be claimed to be my fault that the Feminist movement, almost always plagued by deranged and bitter radicals, devolved into something toxic after it succeeded in its aims.

For no great reason other than something on internet offended me – what more reason could I need? – and got me thinking actively about something that’s been niggling my brain – is niggling racist? -  for some time I’ve decided that showing my feminist side is appropriate at this time. So…


Sexploited(?) Olympians

Please don’t get me wrong; I think there’s a benefit to guys lusting after women with bodies which are honed by their particular athletic endeavors. It certainly beats the skeletons dipped in wax that fashion and weight-loss industries keep telling us are desirable. My issue, such as it is, is with the fact that female athletes posing for “glamor” shots, i.e., the sexier the better, has become de rigueur across all arenas of female sport.

Face it, when a Google search for “Sexy Olympians” returns approximately 8,460,000 results, society has an issue involving these athletes. Rather than glorifying their abilities, we revel solely or mostly in their figures.

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Goodbye Kitty

Courtney Stodden, B List (I’m generous, OK) celebutante wannabe, loves attention and she knows the best way for someone of her limited talents and even more limited self-esteem to get it.

Hello Courtney, Goodbye Kitty – And Some People’s Childhood

I suppose there’s nothing quite like ruining Hello Kitty for all time to get Courtney Stodden some of the attention she craves. She’ll certainly be remembered for all time by those girls and young women of the right age for her to have just permanently scarred their memories of their beloved childhood toys. 😛

Of course, Stodden may just be trying to break into the Japanese market, a common course of action for those who aren’t “making it big” in America. Japan, after all, is the nation that invented the Neko or Nekomimi girl fetish in the first place and it’s been a cosplay standard – and sometimes lifestyle! – in Japan for decades.

Japanese Nekomimi Girls – Ny?!

I think, however, that Courtney’s “sweet” scenes coughing up a hairball and using the litter box 😯 are going to turn off the Japanese. Hellfire! She might have just ruined Nekomimi as well as Hello Kitty.

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Fuck Society!

The evils of the fashion and weight-loss industries are a pet peeve of mine, though I normally approach them with some humor and prefer counter-examples as a means of getting my point across. Sometimes though, one just has to be blunt.

Fuck Society - Sexy curves are way better than skeletons dipped in wax
Fuck Society! Curves Beat Jagged Angles Every Time

The victims of these moral crimes need deprogramming and re-education and the perpetrators need to be made an example of.

Either the acid facials favored by Muslims or the more chemically advanced DMSO, dichloromethane, phosphatidylcholine, and sodium deoxycholate cocktail bath will work well for turning these creatures into the appropriately artistic examples.


Cry not that it’s for the Law to deal with; the law is needfully weak and constrained. Say not that it is in the Gods’ hands; we are each the Gods’ hands and retribution is our holy duty.

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