
It’s all too easy for Americans to mock, malign, lambast, lampoon, and otherwise ridicule the Liberals and Progressives as the protest, riot, and either scurry around in attempt to circumvent democracy or just cry, twitch, and shake in their “safe spaces.” Truly, it just too easy to do so. They do, after all. deserve such treatment by Americans. Sadly however, it is too easy and, as such, it’s but a passing pleasure that soon grows stale.


Especially interesting and of note are those losers who have embraced the #NotMyPresident twitter hashtagery and its real world pseudo-equivalent. They at least, if you look at it in a certain way, have something akin to a point. Mr. Trump isn’t and hopefully to my mind will never be their President. The Gods willing, he is and will remain our President.

And why not? For eight years – and it’s not quite over yet – the American people have been saddled with Obama, who very much wasn’t and isn’t our President. From the miscegenation of his first campaign to be the Democrats’ nominee for POTUS to this very day, the vast bulk of his rhetoric has proven this sad fact. Almost everything Obama has ever said was actively against us or, at best, dismissive of us, our beliefs, and our long-held and cherished culture.

So no, Obama wasn’t our President and Trump won’t be their President. In this, if in almost nothing else, these puling Liberals have a point – a point a counsel each and every American to hammer home into their minds.

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Victory Conditions

The Liberals and Progressives plaguing America, as represented by the Democrat party, have long held that, if at first – or ever – you don’t succeed, it’s not your fault and we need to change the victory conditions. At the same time they hold that, if you did succeed, it wasn’t to your credit and you owe others for your success.

Winners and Losers - Changing the victory conditionsWinners and Losers – Changing The Victory Conditions

So, since 1950 and the concomitant and synergistic rise of the Welfare State and the Civil Rights Movement, they’ve managed to change the losers and winners in society by declaring that the losers are owed success or, at least, government-mandated and government-distributed subsistence at an ever-increasing level – all to be paid for by the “winners” in America.

This has got to change and change swiftly. If it doesn’t, America is doomed. It will fail and drown in the effluvia of the eaters and takers, who have already been allowed to grow to outnumber the makers.

The 2014 midterm elections are fast approaching. We each and all need to do what we can to remove the parasite enablers of the Democrats from office and replace them with lawmakers who will restore some measure of freedom to succeed and enjoy the earned privileges of success to the productive in our nation.

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