
Many of those living within America’s borders sincerely want Obama to negotiate with America’s enemies, especially with the Muslim vermin in Iran. This is stupidity based upon a combination of cowardice and hatred for America on their part.

Negotiating would not be playing to Obama’s strengths…

Obama the Negotiator
Obama The Negotiator

I mean let’s be real and well-grounded in reality. When has Obama ever shown any strength in or talent for negotiating with anybody?

I’m not real sure if the boy has any strengths beyond reading his lines from the teleprompter with style and panache but, if he has any strengths, negotiating sure as Hell isn’t one of them. πŸ˜‰

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Goodnight Iran

In a move that further isolates the Ayatollah Khamenie’s mob of miscegentic crotch-droppings of pigs and baboons from the Civilized World, Brittain has closed it embassy in Iran in response to the Ayatollahs’ Basij-e Mostaz’afin’s sacking of that embassy. Other European nations plan to follow suit.

It’s more than a little heartening to see that England and the European powers have finally learned that there’s nothing for humans to gain by trying to talk to the vermin in Iran. It seemed that they were never going to learn that discourse with these creatures is pointless, merely casting pearls before swine and inflating the Iranians’ delusion of worth.

Goodnight, Iran. Pray Mankind decides to suffer your awakening in some future morning.

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Solving For Iran

As every sane human knows, the vermin in Iran are trying to develop nuclear weaponry in order to destroy Israel and hold the world hostage to their particular brand of Islamic terrorism. Also as every sane human knows, the West will do little to actively prevent this from happening while Obama, the Anti-Semite-in-Chief, is installed as the POTUS.

The West “takes its lead” from America so that America has to bear the brunt of the costs and Obama will never chivvy Europe into overt action.

Fortunately for humanity, the lack of effective overt preventative action to end the Ayatollahs’ jihad-driven quest for nuclear weapons doesn’t mean that covert preventative actions are not be carried out. Specifically, somebody is exterminating the vermin who are the technological and scientific core of the Ayatollah’s nuclear weapons program. Several have already been eliminated, slowing Iran’s progress towards WMDs.

The Islamist Vermin In Iran Keep Claiming Their Nuclear Program Is Peacefule
True, But In Islam Peace Is Only Slavery Or Death

With Obama siding with Iran in every overt manner and the rest of the Civilized World being too venal to lead the way, this culling of the more threatening jihadis in Iran is the best delaying tactic available to humanity. It will hopefully slow Iran’s progress towards nuclear weapons long enough for Obama to be removed from the picture by some means and more effective and permanent steps to be taken.

Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and his lap dog / catamite, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are, of course, blaming America and Israel for the exterminations and I hope they’re actually right this time because if America is involved it likely means that the intelligence community and possibly SpecOps are operating independently without Obama’s approval or knowledge and, given Obama’s nature, that can only be a good thing for humanity.

More likely though is that it’s Israeli intelligence. Realizing that while Obama is the POTUS America cannot be classed as an ally in any meaningful manner, they’ve probably taken the steps necessary to stay alive until Obama’s anti-Semite regime is removed from power.

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Truth: Land For Peace

Unsurprisingly, Obama has continued to mouth rhetoric from the same tired, old, failed Middle East policy regarding Israel and the Palestinian vermin which previous American administrations have repeatedly tried with no positive results.

Land For Peace
Land For Peace? Enabling Muslim Terrorism

This will continue to be a waste of breath because none of the Islamists in control of the Palestinian regions of Israel, Gaza and the West Bank, nor their supporters such as Iran’s Hezbollah seek peace while single Jew lives in Israel, and because the Jews of Israel know this and will not submit themselves to genocide.

The truth of “Land For Peace,” or any variation thereof the requires Israel to surrender strategically critical lands, is that it’s a recipe for the utter destruction of Israel and the annihilation of her people at the filthy hands of the Muslims.

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Persian Spring

Riddle me this – Why do Liberals in the West insist on call the riots, insurrections, and rebellions still raging across much of the Muslim World the “Arab Spring” when all the key participants seem allied with Iran?

Shouldn’t we call it the “Persian Spring?”

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