The DNC’s Donna

As most are probably aware, the MSM being what it is in this age, Debbie Wasserman Shultz has resigned from her position as the head of the Democratic National Committee in the wake of Wikileaks release of 19,252 hacked DNC emails, some of which showed that the DNC under Wasserman Shultz was actively aiding Hillary Clinton against Bernie Sanders throughout the Democrats’ primary race. She’s to be replaced by Donna Brazile.

Debbie Wasserman Shultz
The New Head Of Hillary’s “50-State” Campaign

No worries for Debbie though. Hillary immediately made an “honest woman” of her by naming her the new head of the Clinton campaign’s 50 States Program to gain ground and elect Democrats in every part of the country and continue to be Hillary’s surrogate.

There’s simply no one better at taking the fight to the Republicans than Debbie–which is why I am glad that she has agreed to serve as honorary chair of my campaign’s 50-state program to gain ground and elect Democrats in every part of the country, and will continue to serve as a surrogate for my campaign nationally, in Florida, and in other key states.

— Hillary Clinton

So Debbie’s out of the DNC and out of the closet, as were, and Donna Brazile, Debbie’s second in command, is now in charge of the DNC until at least after the convention. Most likely she’ll continue on as the DNC’s Chairwoman until the 2016 elections are over. After all, she brings so much that so important to the Dems’ struggle.

We're not going to let the White boys winDonna Brazile – We’re Not Going To Let The White Boys Win

It should be a smooth transition of power too. Donna was acting alongside the Clintons against the Sanders’ campaign right along with Wasserman Shultz. Hence, this change is the pro forma, surface-only change – ironically with a Jew as the scapegoat – that one has to expect from the Democrat political establishment.

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Global Warming Ends!

Michael Mann - False Scientist, Fraud, Corrupter, Liar, and valid target for extermination“Global Warming Ends!” should be the headline story for this week because it’s now obvious that Global Warming has ended. Oh, not the poorly understood cyclical rise and fall of Earth’s temperatures and not whatever warming effect might be caused by Man’s actions. No, what has finally ended is the farcical hoax and fraud of AGW as a sociopolitical and economic force in the majority of the Civilized World.

This theory is based upon direct scientific evidence. Columbia Journalism Review reports that 17 news organizations, including National Public Radio, Dow Jones, and The Washington Post, submitted an amicus brief in November, demanding access to Michael Mann’s emails during the time period of the Climategate scandals.

The 17 media organizations joining The Reporters Committee include:

  • Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
  • First Amendment Coalition
  • Gannett Co., Inc.
  • National Press Photographers Association
  • National Public Radio, Inc.
  • News Corp
  • Newspaper Association of America
  • North Jersey Media Group Inc.
  • Radio Television Digital News Association
  • Reuters America LLC
  • Student Press Law Center
  • The Washington Post

The can be little doubt that, if the Lamestream Media and NPR(!) have turned against Global Warming’s cofounder, the AGW hysteria has ended in all but name. All that’s left is the fallout and the repercussions against its grifters who promulgated it.

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Obama’s Multi-Tool

So, due to Obama and the Democrats total and willful refusal to negotiate a means around the sequester, we’re saddled with it. Don’t be too concerned though. Obama has the tools at his disposal to handle this “crisis” that Americans outside of the Beltway are facing.

Sequester Army Knife
Obama’s Multi-Tool – Fit For All His Uses

And his favorite – and only – tool is perfect for the job. Blame is perfect for “dealing” with the Sequester because the Sequester is a fraud committed by Obama and the Liberals for no purpose other than to be able to cast blame upon Congressional Republicans in the hopes of altering the outcomes of future elections.

The National Review provides us with a succinct and apt explanation of this fraud by the grifters of the Obama Regime:

In the tortured argot of Washington, “sequestration” connotes “a reduction in government spending.” It is thus an exquisite weasel word, the kind that fraud-construction thrives on. Of course, the disease sequestration is meant to treat is only too real — our metastasizing cancer of debt. But the political class that lives today’s high life on tomorrow’s stolen prosperity naturally prefers the illusion of action to the pain that must accompany any real, surgical remedy. So it peddles placebos that have the ring of earnestness and effectiveness: “cuts,” “balanced approach,” and the like.

On examination, these words are seen for the nonsense that they are. In Washington a “cut” is not what your family does when it becomes over-extended — a spending slash, a commitment to live within one’s means. It is a nominal decrease in the rate at which government plans, despite our straits, to increase spending. So a “cut” lards debt on debt . . . just not quite as quickly.

Andrew McCarthy

Don’t be mistaken in your predictions though. There will be an immediate loss of services that are perceived as necessary. Obama and his handlers and overseers will make absolutely sure of that, using whatever means than can decide are within the purview of the Executive to do so.

Manufacturing a fraudulent crisis isn’t really enough anymore in an age where information is more readily available to the masses than ever before. Obama and his ilk have to ensure that there is real pain felt before their “blamecasting” can have any real effect.

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Waba Squaw

Elizabeth Warren - Waba Squaw Speaks With Serpent's TongueElizabeth Warren is the multimillionaire Harvard law professor running against Sen. Scott Brown for the US Senate in Massachusetts as a Democratic party populist-progressive champion.

She’s run into a problem though in her bid to unseat the surprisingly popular Massachusetts Republican. It’s not an uncommon problem for academics and politicians. She lied about her background so as to game the system.

One has to wonder how desperate Harvard was for “diversity” – and possibly the the funding and grants that come with it – that they accepted the fair-skinned, blonde-haired, blue-eyed Warren as a Native American. Both Harvard and this lying little waba squaw (white woman) have a lot nerve and even more explaining to do.

NOTE: “Waba Squaw” is from the Wampanoag dialect of Algonquin, the dominant native language in Massachusetts, where this affront occurred.

As Warren claimed that she got her blood from the Cherokee people, “Unega Agehya” would have been equally valid but less understandable to the majority of Whites.

She and Harvard both got caught in their self-serving, racial lies though, and the Native Tribal organizations, especially the Cherokee Nation are not pleased, nor are the people of Massachusetts.

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More On Noorgard

Kari Noorgard - Eco-TrollKari Noorgard, all details of whom have been scrubbed from the University of Oregon’s website, is – or was; her fate is unknown – an associate professor of Sociology and Environmental Studies. She holds a PhD in Sociology but only a BA in Biology and has do degrees in anything related to “Climatology.”

Please think about that and what it means insofar as the Warmists’ agenda is concerned and what it means for society’s struggle against them.

The Warmists take the fraud, Peter Glieck’s words, “The debate is over!” completely seriously. In their minds Anthropogenic Climate Change, primarily caused by the Civilized World’s CO2 emmissions, is “settled science.”

Anytime anyone claiming to be scientist says that anything more complex than a Natural Law is “settled science” they’re likely not a scientists, but a charlatan trying to sell you something.

You’d most likely be better served by taking a gun or whip to them than by listening to them.

They’re not interested in proving their hypotheses in the wake of so many of them having been proved false or based upon fraudulent and/or erroneous data. They’re interested in researching how to reshape society’s position on the matter to match their own.

That’s the reason why Kari Noorgard is a professor of Environmental Studies and why she’s an honored speaker at the Warmists’ events.

Just as we cannot overhaul a car fleet overnight, we cannot change our ideological superstructure overnight. We must first be aware that this resistance is happening at all levels of our society. If you have to push a heavy weight, it doesn’t mean it can’t be moved, but in order to push it you had better know that you have something heavy and figure out how to move it — where to put the lever to shift the weight.

— Kari Noorgard
Planet Under Pressure Conference

Yes, and who better to task to find that lever than a sociologist who specializes in: environmental sociology, gender and environment, race and environment, climate change, sociology of culture, social movement,s and the sociology of emotions. Noorgard’s specialty is in using neuro-linguistic programming techniques to reframe issues as bias issues such as racism and sexism in order to provoke her desired responses.

I’m pretty sure, after living through: the Left’s subornation of the public schools system; the creation of “hate crimes” laws; the recent increase in race-baiting involving the Obama Regime; the vilification of Christian churches for their religious views on sexuality; and the way that “bullying” has been redefined, that we can posit what forms that lever would take and how, where, and upon who it would be applied with the most force.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. Remember always that the pen is mightier than sword only for so long as sword remains sheathed.

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