Is This It? Is Biden Done?

Is This It? Is Biden Done?
Is This It? Is Biden Done?

One really has to wonder at this point if this it and Biden’s done and is going to withdraw – or be forcibly withdrawn from the 2024 Presidential campaign by his fellow Democrats.

Right before the failed Trump Assassination Biden told reporters that the only way he’d withdraw from the race is if he had a serious medical condition. Then, essentially immediately following the failed removal of his political rival, he has been allegedly diagnosed with COVID-19 for the 3rd time in two years, and has cancelled critical political rallies before the DNC Convention in order to go into seclusion to convalesce at his home in Delaware.

I’m not much for conspiracies, being fond of Occam’s Razor, but that sounds like Biden’s done and the Dems are done with him, and a laudable face-saving rationale for Biden’s withdrawal has been set up and acted upon. It would be an “honorable” end to his career. It’d certainly be better than being coerced into just withdrawing at this point because too many key Dems believe he can’t win against President Trump. Alternatively, he – or Jill – might now believe that he can’t win against Trump in the wake of his decline and the failed assassination, believe that bowing out without truly conceding or being beaten is less galling and more protective of his legacy than any other option.

And, as crazy as times are now, let’s not completely refute the possibility of enough DNC delegates determining that, “in good conscience” they could not nominate Biden as the 2024 candidate, potentially jumping straight to Kamala Harris. That’s would be the ultimate refutation of- and insult to Biden.

The situation and the time are, after all, fairly suspicious. A man, beleaguered by his own supposed allies and constituents, who is fully vaccinated and boostered against COVID-19, contracts the disease 3 times in 2 years? Unless he’s severely immunocompromised, which his general good physical health doesn’t indicate, that’s a bit fishy, especially since there’s been no reports of COVID “hotspots” surrounding him. And, if he is that vulnerable to the disease, it’d be a valid reason for his withdrawal in the first place for the sake of his health, given that a POTUS dying or being incapacitated while in office is inherently vastly disruptive to the nation and world politics and economics.

So, is this it? Is Biden done? I give it only slightly less than an even chance that it’s over and he’s done. But, that’s based upon rational thought, which no longer seems to have much place in our political landscape.

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Biden's Twisted Wall Building

Biden's Twisted Wall Building
Biden’s Twisted Wall Building

The contortions that Biden’s handlers and nursemaid have the old child buggerer their put in the White House going through to excuse his additions to our nation’s defenses along our southern border are right down their in the lands of logical and verbal yoga. If it wasn’t so funny, it’d be horrific to watch and/or listen to or read.

The DNC’s & Media’s Wall Building is More Straightforward

The DNC and the Democrats’ media outlets, which compromise the vast majority of the MSM, have been far more organized and straightforward in their wall building. They’ve gone to extreme lengths and showed great cohesion of purpose in surrounding Biden with a wall to protect him from any and all allegations and his own senile ramblings, miscues, and outright bad acts.

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Kamala’s Supporters

Kamala's Supporters
Kamala’s Supporters

Kamala Harris, the DNC’s most prominent token, doesn’t really have supporters. The only sorts that actually support her are a subset of gender-driven Feminists and opportunistic Blacktivists. That certainly doesn’t bode well for her presumed Harris Administration if Americans fail in their duty and allow Biden and her to take the White House.

Of course, what’s equally sad and scary is that neither Harris nor Biden need supporters. It’s already been made fairly clear that likely Democrats don’t like either of them at all. Yet, that antipathy isn’t important. Hate is enough for them in these times.

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DNC Convention Recap

2020 DNC National Convention Recap
DNC National Convention Recap

Just a quick recap of the 2020 DNC National Convention and it’s chaos, scatterbrained madness, and dangerously anti-American rhetoric. Rhetoric that was not so oddly similar in vein and tenor to that used by both Hitler and Stalin in their respective lead-ups to taking full control of their nations.

The 2020 DNC National Convention
A Dumpster Fire Of Hate And Crazy
A Dumpster Fire Of Hate And Crazy

Or, we can just simplify things and call the 2020 DNC National Convention what is was – a dumpster fire of hate and crazy.

And these are the sorts which desire to rule America, or whatever they want to replace her with.

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Dems Are Barefaced Liars

Dems Are Barefaced Liars
Dems Are Barefaced Liars

Yeah, the Dems are barefaced liars, as Americans well know. As always, they’re liars and enemies of we, the People, and they’re ever so conspicuously barefaced during their Nation Convention.

Funny how their events and/or “gatherings” of their constituencies aren’t in the least subject to protective mask laws, social distancing laws, or mandatory lock-downs. But you sure as Hell better not try to go to church, have friends over, or open your business.

Funnier still how these same vermin are dead set against in-person voting for the upcoming 2020 elections. I mean really dead set if they actually believe in what they say. 😆

So They Protest In-Person Against Voting In-Person
So They Protest In-Person Against Voting In-Person

There sure does seem to be a disconnect here. Well, it would seem so if the Dems weren’t barefaced liars and if their “concern” over COVID-19 was actually based upon health instead of overthrowing the POTUS that Americans elected.

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