Trump Is 100% DEI

Trump Is 100% DEI
Trump Is 100% DEI – Deport Every Illegal

Democrats and other Left-Wing, domestic enemies of the American people can suck it. President Trump is 100% DIE. 😆 That’s right! President Trump is and always has been committed to making our nation a Safe Space for Americans. And this is why so many of the rank and file sheeple on the Left hate President Trump with a black and bleeding passion.

Always remember that the Democrats and Democrat-Adjacent Wokesters know the harm that the illegals bring to America. It’s not that they don’t understand; it’s that they actively desire this harm to be inflicted upon Americans… as long as it’s not to them or theirs or in their backyards. As far as our domestic enemies are concerned, those assaults, rapes, murders, and other and sundry evils aren’t crimes, they’re simply erosions of White Privilege.

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Biden's Immigration Stance

Biden's Immigration Stance
Biden’s Immigration Stance Then And Now

In many substantive ways this sums up Biden’s immigration stance. But, it should be remembered that Biden and Co.’s current stance – needing Republican help – is largely a lie for the sake of campaigning for the upcoming elections. At literally any point, they would have had GOP support if they just put forth a border security bill that didn’t have even more billions of dollars for Ukraine and other foreign adventures tied to it. Then, they’ve no real desire to secure our borders in the first place.

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Open Borders Over There!

Open Borders Over There!
Open Borders Over There!
Not In My Back Yard!

Not to call out the Elite Leftist, Barbra Streisand in particular, but the above meme does perfectly sum up the actual attitudes and actions of the ever-so-progressive, elite Open Borders crowd. They vicious attack any efforts at securing America’s borders, villainize and dehumanize any American who disagrees with them, but wring their hands, clutch their pearls, and cry out in shrill voices whenever those illegal immigrants show up anywhere near where they live their comfortable, wealthy lives. NIMBY indeed!

I’ve got to give it to Streisand and her ilk though. Even when they are forced to experience the nightmare which is the flood of illegal aliens, they don’t change their tune. They still shrilly and stridently demand that we keep our border open and accept any and all of these “refugees.” Most of them don’t even complain too much or too loudly about Biden and Co. importing these invaders to various cities in the US. They don’t, after all, for the most part in those cities.

On the other hand, oh do they gripe and bitch when any Governor of one of our border states sends the illegals overwhelming their resources their way. These celebrity elites really hate that. They don’t want that in their backyards or doorsteps. They want those illegals kept far, far away from them and in areas of our country which they’d never set foot in voluntarily and whose leadership and populace they despise.

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War, Treason, and Compassion

Their War & Biden's Treason
Their War & Biden’s Treason

Make no mistake about it. I fully consider the ongoing mass invasion of Central and South Americans into our country to be an act of war. And, the extortive list of monetary and political demands by the Mexican President to do anything to quell influx of invaders to equally and act of war. Similarly, I fully consider the Biden administrations dismantling of most of our nation’s protections at out southern border and their attacks upon state governments who stepped up to fill the gap to be acts of treason in every meaningful way except to particulars of that federal law.

But I Also Believe In Compassion

But, I also believe in compassion. As such, I fully endorse letting the women and children, especially the nubile women, into America. And, in their cases, I also fully endorse the stratagem put forth by some Democrat politicians to accept them into our homes. 😉

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Biden's Twisted Wall Building

Biden's Twisted Wall Building
Biden’s Twisted Wall Building

The contortions that Biden’s handlers and nursemaid have the old child buggerer their put in the White House going through to excuse his additions to our nation’s defenses along our southern border are right down their in the lands of logical and verbal yoga. If it wasn’t so funny, it’d be horrific to watch and/or listen to or read.

The DNC’s & Media’s Wall Building is More Straightforward

The DNC and the Democrats’ media outlets, which compromise the vast majority of the MSM, have been far more organized and straightforward in their wall building. They’ve gone to extreme lengths and showed great cohesion of purpose in surrounding Biden with a wall to protect him from any and all allegations and his own senile ramblings, miscues, and outright bad acts.

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