Feliz Dia De La Raza

Dia De La Raza Feliz Dia De La Raza

Today, October 12, large swaths of Spanish-speaking people will celebrate their own version of Columbus Day, Dia De La Raza (Day Of The Race). It’s celebrated on October 12 because on that day in 1492 Christopher Columbus landed in the New World but it is not a celebration of Columbus’ “discovery.” It’s a celebration of Spain and Portugal’s colonization of Central and South America and the creation of the Hispanic “race.”

Yes, you read that right. The Latinos annually celebrate, not just the “discovery” of the New World by Columbus, but its colonization; the destruction of its indigenous civilizations, religions, cultures, and languages; and the genetic genocide of its indigenous peoples through rape and intermarriage.

And nary do we hear a peep of umbrage from the Liberals and Progressives. No, these are “Non-Hispanic Whites” at worst we’re talking about. “Brown people.” People possessed of protected traits that grant them the privilege of never being attacked by our ever-oikophobic Liberals and Progressives. The Latinos “Aren’t White Enough” to generate outrage in the Left.

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Detroit Jobs Center

Detroit Job Center
Oh Look! A Detroit Jobs Center

Yeah, Black self rule is working out so well for Detroit, isn’t it? I suppose it shouldn’t be surprising that Detroit, once a major center of American industry, now looks like any random urban center in Post-Colonial Africa.

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Ending Colonialism

Mbuti Pygmies I think that, if no other lesson can be learned, the protracted race-riots in Ferguson, MO, must teach us that it is time – past time – for America to begin ending it’s colonialism. Truly, it time end White Rule in the various townships of the Blacks within America’s borders.

We need to pull out all the White politicians, civil servants, police officers, and firemen from Ferguson and other Black townships and areas and, at last, give the Blacks therein Self Rule. They’ve been chafing under the unwanted stewardship of Whites for far too long as it is.

Essentially, we need to setup Negro Autonomous Zones (NAZ) in places like Ferguson and let them move themselves into a Post-Colonial era, just as the Africans in the nations created in Africa by European Colonialism have moved themselves into such a Post-Colonial era.

Yes, it’s time to set down the White Man’s Burden and reject taking it up again due to it being nothing less than the most pernicious form of racism. The Blacks in places like Ferguson have, after all, complained often and stridently about how Whites are, and have been the Dominant Minority in such places, filling most of the roles in the sociopolitical infrastructure.  It’s time to end that and give them what they’ve asked for.

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Black Self-Rule

If one is unfortunate enough to have to hear the rantings of the “Black Community” and their ever-jabbering grievance-mongers that front for them, one is going to hear a lot about “the two Americas.” They hoot and holler nigh on constantly about “White America” and “Black America” and how the former does nothing but oppress and disenfranchise the latter. All of this rhetoric has a strong undercurrent of the same anger and hatred that the Africans displayed towards their Colonial masters during the 18th and 19th centuries.

It’s possible, however, that this undercurrent has a logical basis, because Black self-rule in America bears a sad and shocking resemblance to Black self-rule in their home continent of Africa, Detroit, MI being the sinking, broke-back flagship example of this.

Post-Colonial Detroit - Black Self-Rule in actionPost-Colonial Detroit Circa 2012

When Detroit was under White governance the city was one of the economic beacons of America but then the Blacks took over the ruling of the city. They systematically changed the laws, ordinances, regulation, and general tenor of the Detroit into an “Afrocentric” mecca and drove the Whites out of the city by making it an untenable and hostile environment.

Now Detroit is a bankrupt urban wasteland, with large swaths of the city literally abandoned and lacking all services – even streetlights. The police department has even been talking about concentrating the population into a zone where they can be defended and protected from the scavengers and criminals skulking in the surrounding ruins.

Yeah, that’s pretty much a direct parallel to what happened in Africa when the White colonial powers left and the Blacks there attained self-rule.

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