The Agnorance Of Youth

The Agnorance Of Youth
The Agnorance Of Youth

This is nigh on perfect for these days. It showcases some of the specific agnorance – a portmanteau of ignorance and arrogance – of some Millennials and Gen-Zers. They really think that either they invented stuff or that it was invented after the time of Gen-Xers. The case in point be vinyl records, which a number them have “appropriated.”

Let’s, however, laugh at them and not get too hypocritically angry. After all, we did this too, as did our parents, and as did their parents… most likely all the way to the beginnings of civilization. 😉

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Whitesplaining To Scott

Joy Behar, one of the womyn of The View, Whitesplaining to Sen. Tim Scott about America's racism
Joy Behar Whitesplaining To Tim Scott 🙄

It’s never a surprise when one or more of the womyn of The View howl out some sort of offensive and stupid screed. Doing that is what their show is all about. Still, sometimes one of them goes far enough to be noteworthy. In this case Joy Behar.

Yeah, Behar’s Whitesplaining about how America is woefully racist to Sen. Tim Scott – who quite definitely Black – is noteworthy for its idiocy, arrogance, condescension, and actual racism.

Now, Tim Scott, he does not seem to understand — and a lot of them don’t seem to understand the difference between a racist country and a systemic — systemic racism. They don’t seem to get the difference. Maybe it’s not a racist country. Maybe Americans, the majority, are not racist. But we live in a country with systemic racism.

The fact that Tim Scott cannot acknowledge this is appalling. How can you go out there and say that when you just said two minutes ago that you were the object and the victim of discrimination? And then, he says this is not a racist country. At least acknowledge that there is systemic racism. That’s what I wanted to hear from him, and he didn’t say it.

Joy Behar

Then, this bit of hooting and screeching is coming from a womyn who both wore “blackface” to an event and defended it as “‘dressing as a beautiful African woman for Halloween.'” And too, her audience is primarily made up of the same sorts that derided Senator Scott as being “Uncle Tim” because he wasn’t enough of a Field Negro for their tastes.

Still though, unless Behar, her ilk, and her audience are going to claim that, due to Scott’s apparent lack of sufficient hatred for America and White Race, he’s not a Black, this is Whitesplaining and very much not Staying In Her Lane.

Funny, I thought the above behaviors were each and all enough to get the zealots of #CancelCulture out in force. Hmmm….

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Yes, They’re Muslims

While any and all Americans can expect certain sorts of grifters, e.g., the Obamas, to lie and proclaim that the many and sundry Jihadis and Muslims terrorists aren’t Islamic, the rank hypocrisy and arrogant stupidity of the rank and file Liberals and Progressives is what is truly maddening.


Yes, Jihadis Are Muslims
(Click to Enlarge)

Worse, they don’t even see or hear their own hypocrisy; nor will they understand the allegory in the image above – though they will declaim me as racist anyway.

It’s a crying shame that they’re unlikely to ever be in a position to voice their views face-to-face with a jihadi. I’d pay good money to watch that and wouldn’t consider the jihadi’s response to be wrong in any way, though I might critique their technique.

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