Great Granny Panties

Great Granny Panties
Great Granny Panties

Here’s an odd bit of humor. I’m still occasionally hearing the term, Granny Panties. But that’s a bit of – actually more than a bit of – a misnomer. Nowadays, those aren’t granny panties; they’re great-granny panties or even great-great-granny panties. 😛

Yeah, just to make the point clear, thongs started in the 1970s as swimsuits and became popular in the 1980s as underwear. Hence, it was younger Boomers and Gen X that first adopted them. So, for the younger generations, granny panties look more like this:

Actual Granny Panties
Actual Granny Panties

That’s right, Kiddos. Your grandmothers wore french cuts, brazilians, and thongs as a normal thing. She didn’t wear what are still called granny panties except on rare occasions. 😆

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Gen X Recess

Gen X Recess
Gen X Recess

OK. This is a bit hyperbolic and extreme. Our recess wasn’t quite that feral. We never completely descended into Lord of the Flies territory. Still though, compared to the later generations, it was more than little like this.

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I'm A Grognard

I'm A Grognard
Yes, I’m A Grognard

Oh yes. I am very much a grognard. I started play Dungeons & Dragons in 1977 with the Holmes edition of Basic D&D. And, yes again. I do have dice older than you in all likelihood. Hellfire! I’ve got dice older than some – probably most – of your parents. 😛

Oh, and I do still have dice just like those from the old game sets when that was the only way you could get dice other than 6-sided.

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Ham Radio

Ham Radio
Ham Radio 😆

CQ. CQ. People who get this joke, CQ. 😆 For the rest of you – I’m guessing the younger two generations – go ahead and look it up.

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Gen Z Cleaning Instructions

Gen Z Cleaning Instructions
Gen Z Cleaning Instructions

Admittedly, this is largely useless and utterly needless advice since the majority of Gen Z is still living with and off of their parents. But, the minority of the latest, least generation needs it.

Read the instructions; follow the basic rules of reality and life; and try not to ruin your laundry like you’ve ruined everything else in your life.

And, despite their crying, whining, and blaming everyone else, if their lives suck, it’s Gen Z’s fault. It’s not the fault of anyone else. Gen Z got handed and nation and a world to live in that wasn’t overall any better or worse than their parents and grandparents had. It was different in some ways, sure. But it’s no harder now to succeed and be happy than it was in the past. But, somehow Gen Z managed to fuck it and themselves all up.

So, at least, they should learn how to not fuck up their laundry!

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