Hillary’s A Pig

Hillary Clinton Is A PigFluttering around the background of both the Lamestream Media and the news sources on the internet is the ongoing scandal of Hillary Clinton violating various laws by using her personal email account and server to conduct State Department business.

The most recent bit of news is that it has finally been admitted that she illegally used it to convey classified material at least 25 separate times. How many times she actually did so in total is unknown because most of the emails had been deleted.

But, of course, there’s neither sign nor expectation that any serious sanctions or charges will ever be brought down up Hillary’s hoary head. Nor will the Lamestream Media hold Hillary accountable for her misdeeds.

Professor Jonathan Turley has described this as another example of America’s Animal Farm system, in which all animals are supposedly equal but some animals are more equal than others. This seems an apt analogy and, given that, it’s more than obviously that Hillary Clinton is a pig – that particular breed of livestock that was more equal.

Yet sadly, there’s little to naught that we, the People can do about the special protections and entitlements that Hillary receives. In truth, though we all know that you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, we’ll be damned hard pressed to keep our domestic enemies from making a POTUS out of a sow’s cunt.

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Islam Is Submission

Islam is submission; that is even the transliteration of the Arabic word, “Islam,” which is a verbal noun that is derived from the Arabic verb Aslama, which means “to accept, surrender or submit.” Of course the levels of submission required are not the same for all people under Muslim rule.

Islam is Submission - of course what women must submit to is a bit different
Some Must Submit To More Than Others Under Islam’s Rule

Subjugation, humiliation, enslavement, physical abuse, rape, genital mutilation, and pedophilia (child brides), and brutal murder – both by individuals and by the “state” – are all part and parcel of the lives of girls and women under the misogynist rule of the foul cult of Islam. This is true irregardless of the underlying ethnic culture wherever Islam has been allowed to spread.

How prevalent and how extreme the atrocities are is solely dependent upon- and directly proportional to how much of an infection a nation suffers from and how much of voice Muslims have been stupidly allowed to have within each nation.

Islam does supposedly preach that all Muslims are equal in their submission to their God, Allah At least according to their holy book it does.

O men! Behold, We have created you all out of a male and a female, and have made you into nations and tribes, so that you might come to know one another. Verily, the noblest of you in the sight of God is the one who is most deeply conscious of Him. Behold, God is all-knowing, all-aware.

— Qur’an, Sura 49 (Al Hujurât)

It just seems that in common, almost universal, practice some Muslims are more equal than others.

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