How The Budget Is Spent

Once again America is about to be in yet another budget crisis or, at least, we’re about to be in another episode of Reality TV as Congress, Obama, and the various MSM pundits take part in their theatrical production over the debt ceiling.

The Obama BudgetHow The Budget Is Spent

It’s all just kabuki though. The problem is far less about the budget and the amount of spending than it is about who and what is glutting themselves upon the American people’s hard-earned wealth.

It’s not like the government, especially under the rule of the Obama Regime is ever going to starve. The only way we, the People are ever going to end their gluttony is to slit their throats.

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Obama’s Multi-Tool

So, due to Obama and the Democrats total and willful refusal to negotiate a means around the sequester, we’re saddled with it. Don’t be too concerned though. Obama has the tools at his disposal to handle this “crisis” that Americans outside of the Beltway are facing.

Sequester Army Knife
Obama’s Multi-Tool – Fit For All His Uses

And his favorite – and only – tool is perfect for the job. Blame is perfect for “dealing” with the Sequester because the Sequester is a fraud committed by Obama and the Liberals for no purpose other than to be able to cast blame upon Congressional Republicans in the hopes of altering the outcomes of future elections.

The National Review provides us with a succinct and apt explanation of this fraud by the grifters of the Obama Regime:

In the tortured argot of Washington, “sequestration” connotes “a reduction in government spending.” It is thus an exquisite weasel word, the kind that fraud-construction thrives on. Of course, the disease sequestration is meant to treat is only too real — our metastasizing cancer of debt. But the political class that lives today’s high life on tomorrow’s stolen prosperity naturally prefers the illusion of action to the pain that must accompany any real, surgical remedy. So it peddles placebos that have the ring of earnestness and effectiveness: “cuts,” “balanced approach,” and the like.

On examination, these words are seen for the nonsense that they are. In Washington a “cut” is not what your family does when it becomes over-extended — a spending slash, a commitment to live within one’s means. It is a nominal decrease in the rate at which government plans, despite our straits, to increase spending. So a “cut” lards debt on debt . . . just not quite as quickly.

Andrew McCarthy

Don’t be mistaken in your predictions though. There will be an immediate loss of services that are perceived as necessary. Obama and his handlers and overseers will make absolutely sure of that, using whatever means than can decide are within the purview of the Executive to do so.

Manufacturing a fraudulent crisis isn’t really enough anymore in an age where information is more readily available to the masses than ever before. Obama and his ilk have to ensure that there is real pain felt before their “blamecasting” can have any real effect.

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Responsibility Anonymous

Most people don’t know it, but Barack Obama is in rehab. It’s been hushed up because it’s not the sort of thing that is allowed to be made public.

My Name Is Barack Obama And Everyone Else Is A Spendaholic

Personally, I don’t hold out much hope for the boy, unless he’s attending Responsibility Anonymous meetings in the White House basement.

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Backassward Thinking

People wish a lot of things, especially for changes in the government. In America these wishes, like the wishers themselves are divided into two major camps. There are the Americans who wish to improve the government and the Liberals, Progressives, and their jabbering minority tenants who wish to fundamentally change it.

Sadly, however, it seems that many Americans are engaged in backassward thinking. They’re wishing for the converse of what they should be wishing for.

Don't You Wish The Government Was As Interested In Spending Control As They Are In Gun Control?
Don’t You Wish The Government Was As Interested In Spending Control As They Are In Gun Control?

Given the nature of the government, and the pathetic state of the electorate caused by warm body franchise and refusal to properly purge the voting rolls, we Americans should not be wishing that the government was as interested in Spending Control as it currently is in gun control.

Be careful what you wish for; you just might it. Hasn’t Obama proved to be enough of a Monkey’s Paw to make this point abundantly clear?

We should be wishing – and acting however is needful to make our wishes reality – that the government was only as interested in Gun Control as it is currently interested in Spending Control.

To put it bluntly, until Americans have retaken the American government, via ballot, bullet, or well-placed bomb, any wish that the politicians take an active interest in anything is a wish for the further degradation and devolution of America. There can be no rational thought of Liberal and Progressive politicians’ interest in anything being good for America.

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The $16 Trillion Child

Truth is stranger and more disgusting than fiction could ever be, at least professionally published fiction where publishers and editors exhibit some control over the quality of content. The fictional character Steve Austin was the Six Million Dollar Man is far less strange and disgusting than factual characterature Obama, The $16 Trillion Child.

Obama - The 16 Trillion Dollar Child
Obama – The $16 Trillion Child

Never in the history of America have so many owed so much because of so few. Worse! That $16 Trillion dollars of national debt is only what Obama and his cabal of spending addicts were allowed to get away with; they wanted, and still want, trillions and trillions dollars more of Americans’ hard-earned wealth.

For The Record

Prior to the misborn, narcissistic, child-in-long-pants that America has been saddle with, his predecessor President Bush Jr. held the record for increasing America’s national debt; a responsible spender the pampered “Dubya” was not and it showed. He successfully used his bully pulpit to add approximately $4.9 trillion to our nations debt over the eight years, two major economic collapses, and two wars of his Presidency.

Obama, however, used a combination of his bully pulpit and a hands-off, lead from behind “leadership” style to outpace President Bush Jr.’s total spending before his first term was ended, with far less excuse and to far, far, far less results.


Oh yes! Truth is stranger and far more horrifying and disgusting than fiction would ever be allowed to be. The $16 Trillion Child is proof of that.

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