Bill & Loretta – Plane Talk

Obama’s Attorney General, Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton met privately in the back of a private plane in Phoenix, AZ, Monday, June 27, 2016 and shared a 20-25 minute encounter. This, of course, instantly caused Hillary a lot of headaches since Loretta as the AG is titularly heading the investigation into Hillary’s mishandling of sensitive documents.

Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch meet privately
Bill Clinton and Laura Lynch Meet Privately

What I don’t understand is why everyone is quick to jump on the idea that this was an example of corruption on Lynch’s part and further proof that the Obama Regime will do anything to ensure that Donald Trump doesn’t become POTUS. There are other reasons why Bill and Laura might meet on an airport’s tarmac and duck into the back of a handy plane. 😉

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The Other H-Bomb

Many of my fellow Americans seem to believe or, at least fervently hope and devoutly pray, that the ongoing, broadening, and deepening scandal surrounding Hillary Clinton’s criminal misuse of email while serving her assignment as Obama’s Secretary of State will be the bomb that blows her and the Democrats chances at the White House to burning, bloody gobbets of Hell-fated meat.

Hillary's E-Mail H-BombHillary’s Emails – The Other H-Bomb

Perhaps I’m too cynical, but I believe that bomb is a dud, already defused by the coalition of the Obama Regime and their Lamestream media. Hence, it will little to no bearing upon either Hillary’s preordained status as the Democrats’ 2016 Presidential Nominee or her campaign after to secure the Presidency.

In my opinion, as they say, “The fix is in.” Oh, they’ll let Bernie run a race against Her, but they’re not going to do anything to give him a shot at beating her, especially if it would either disqualify Hillary from holding office or so damage her chances that nominating her would be political suicide.

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Hillary’s ID Issues

It’s seems hard to believe that when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State that she could determine which of her emails were classified. Frankly, most of us probably thought and still think that she just said, “What difference does it make.”

However, it could just be that Hillary has issues with threat assessment and identifying terrorists…

Hillary has problems identifying terrorists
Why Hillary Can’t Tell If Her Emails Were Classified

If the bitch can’t properly identify a terrorist or other threats to the nation, it’d be quite hard for her to identify which emails contained material that was classified.

In Hillary’s defense, however, as a presidential candidate her issues with identifying terrorists is a huge step up from the Obama Regime, it’s sycophants and cronies, and the Liberals, Progressives, and their ghetto sharecroppers who make up the Regime’s faithful. Each and every one of them would have instantly pointed to the picture on the right as being the terrorist, identifying the one on the left as a poor, oppressed freedom fighter who needs and is entitled to their material aid and comfort.

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Hillary’s A Pig

Hillary Clinton Is A PigFluttering around the background of both the Lamestream Media and the news sources on the internet is the ongoing scandal of Hillary Clinton violating various laws by using her personal email account and server to conduct State Department business.

The most recent bit of news is that it has finally been admitted that she illegally used it to convey classified material at least 25 separate times. How many times she actually did so in total is unknown because most of the emails had been deleted.

But, of course, there’s neither sign nor expectation that any serious sanctions or charges will ever be brought down up Hillary’s hoary head. Nor will the Lamestream Media hold Hillary accountable for her misdeeds.

Professor Jonathan Turley has described this as another example of America’s Animal Farm system, in which all animals are supposedly equal but some animals are more equal than others. This seems an apt analogy and, given that, it’s more than obviously that Hillary Clinton is a pig – that particular breed of livestock that was more equal.

Yet sadly, there’s little to naught that we, the People can do about the special protections and entitlements that Hillary receives. In truth, though we all know that you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, we’ll be damned hard pressed to keep our domestic enemies from making a POTUS out of a sow’s cunt.

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Heavy Lift Rocket

In an ever-so-expected paroxysm of profiteering off Demographic Symbolism, Hillary Clinton has official started her 2016 Presidential election campaign. It is, however, also expected that the shear mass of scandals attached to her will make it difficult for her campaign to get off the ground.

Hillary's campaign will need heavy lift capabilities to get off the ground
Hillary’s Going To Need Heavy Lift Capabilities

Yeah, Hillary’s going to need some serious heavy lift capabilities for this launch to work and NASA, as it is now, isn’t going to be much help.

Fortunately for her though less for America, the Russians’ Soyuz-2 is a proven heavy lift rocket and Hillary’s never shown herself to have any qualms about accepting foreign assistance. 😉

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