Hillary’s ID Issues
It’s seems hard to believe that when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State that she could determine which of her emails were classified. Frankly, most of us probably thought and still think that she just said, “What difference does it make.”
However, it could just be that Hillary has issues with threat assessment and identifying terrorists…
Why Hillary Can’t Tell If Her Emails Were Classified
If the bitch can’t properly identify a terrorist or other threats to the nation, it’d be quite hard for her to identify which emails contained material that was classified.
In Hillary’s defense, however, as a presidential candidate her issues with identifying terrorists is a huge step up from the Obama Regime, it’s sycophants and cronies, and the Liberals, Progressives, and their ghetto sharecroppers who make up the Regime’s faithful. Each and every one of them would have instantly pointed to the picture on the right as being the terrorist, identifying the one on the left as a poor, oppressed freedom fighter who needs and is entitled to their material aid and comfort.
Tags: 2016 Elections | America | Blacks | Civil War | Classified Documents | Clinton | Crime | Democratic Primary | Email | GOP | Hillary | Humor | Liberals | Politics | Progressives | Republicans | Scandal | Terrorists