The Logic Of Causation

Liberals and Progressives, on an individual basis, may or may not be smart. As a group though, they’re obviously poorly educated despite how much and how often these would-be aristocrats vaunt their institutions of supposedly higher learning and disdain and deride anyone who couldn’t or just didn’t attend them.

Very basic teachings, especially the logic of causation, seem to have not been part of their curricula.

If Guns Cause Murders...
Follow The Logic Of Causation

On the face of it, this is pretty ridiculous. When you stop and really think about it though, you realize that’s not just ridiculous; it’s both ignorant and utterly inane. 😆

I know – these are the same people whose creation myth was for decades centered upon there once being nothing – no matter, energy, space, or even time – and then, one day, it blew up!

Obviously, causation was never a significant part of their so-called educations. Hence, I probably should expect no better of them in more mundane matters.

Yep! According the “logic” taught to America’s domestic enemies, inanimate, non-self activating or motivating objects are the cause of things and need to be criminalized. Guns cause murders. Hence, cutlery must cause obesity, cars must cause accidents, and paper must cause bad laws.

It couldn’t possibly be the people using these items and, even more so, it couldn’t possibly be the case that people would just find other means to cause harm. 🙄

If they weren’t such a clear a present danger to America I’d suggest just patting them on their heads, saying, “Isn’t that special that you think that,” and sending them back to their ivory towers where they’d be no longer a danger to themselves or others…and barring the doors.

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Not Illegal, Undocumented

One thing that Liberals and Progressives love is illegal immigrants – as long as they’re Brown – and one thing that they hate is Americans being able to be armed.

Let’s concatenate what passes for the logic of their rhetoric and apply that which they use for illegal immigration for firearms.

My Guns Are Undocumented
My Guns Won’t Be Illegal. They’ll Be Undocumented

Let’s be honest and face the grim facts. There’s never going to be a real reason for Americans being forced to register our weaponry with the government other than to create the framework for confiscation of those weapons and the criminalization of the Americans that own them.

I, for one, do not give my consent to anyone who chooses to attempt to govern me in such a fashion and, if they should try to rule over me instead, I will, without compunction or regret, exterminate them and all of their blood unto their last misborn crotch-dropping. I cannot see where any American could do differently.

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Contextual Logic

Americans normally think of Liberals and Progressives as being illogical, especially when it comes to the disparity of their views on President Bush, Jr. and Barack Obama. This is, from what I can tell, an erroneous conclusion. Liberal logic is logic; it’s just a variant of Contextual Logic.

George Bush Jr. v. Barack Obama - Liberal Contextual Logic is based on race
George Bush Jr. v. Barack Obama – Liberal Contextual Logic

Specifically, they use a form of non-classical logic crafted by Soren Hallden in 1949, refined by Stephan Korner in 1960, and then totally revamped by Michael Tye in 1994. It is called Three-Valued Logic. Of course, Liberals’ and Progressives’ value tables are different from other peoples’.

  1. Is the person White or Non-White?
  2. Is the person Republican or Democrat?
  3. What has the person done?

So, according to their Three-Valued Contextual Logic, President Bush, Jr., who is both White and Republican is a war criminal based on his actions, whereas Barack Obama, who identifies as Black and is Democrat is a responsible world leader, despite having committed the same actions.

So really, the Left is quite logical. You just have to determine what form of logic, contextual logic in this case, that they subscribe to. 😉

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Explaining Atheism

Believing in God(s) is crazy! Just ask any Atheist; they’ll be happy to tell you that doing is contrary to all reason and logic. Their science has the universe explained and doesn’t rely on some “Magical Sky Daddy” for it’s creation.

Yeah…And Believing In God(s) Is Crazy?

Yep. The Godless are all about science, reason, and logic – except when they throw out every law of physics currently described by Man in order to explain the creation of the universe. Then they take the absence of God(s) on faith and brook no heresy.

And really? Multiple toroidal dimensions – I think the last count was 11 in order to make their math work – and intersections of dimensional membranes? Really? How is that more than pushing the question back another layer or two instead of answering it?

Reams and reams of paper filled with equations, all predicated upon a particle (graviton) that they can’t even find the other particle (Higgs-Boson) that they think might allow them to eventually figure out to find it, are supposed to be more reason-based and logical than, “So mote it be!”

And Theists are supposedly the crazy ones. 😉

Explaining Atheism is easy; it’s the absolute faith in Nothing. In the old days we simply described it as Nihilism and, if and when their anomie grew problematical, sent them to sanitariums where they could do no harm.

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