Hitler vs. Bush

Education in America’s lamentable public school system has gone a long way over the last six decades. Sadly, it’s gone a long way away from America and basic, right-thinking morality. Most certainly it is now little more than poorly, if at all, disguised anti-American, Liberal indoctrination of our children.


Use a Venn Diagram to Compare Adolph Hitler and President Bush Jr.
(Click to Enlarge)

A current and most egregious case in point is that McKinley Middle School in Washington D.C.’s Northeast curriculum includes some “interesting” homework assignments, especially in what they purport to be their English department.

Directions: Now that we have read about two men of power who abused their power in various ways, we will compare and contrast them and their actions. Please refer to your texts, ‘Fighting Hitler — A Holocaust Story’ and ‘Bush: Iraq War Justified Despite No WMD’ to compare and contrast former President George W. Bush and Hitler. We will use this in class tomorrow for an activity!

Bear in mind that this was a 6th grade English class’ homework assignment. It was neither a class filled with more mature students nor was it a class on Social Studies. Yet the class’ teacher, who McKinley Middle School and the school district refuse to identify, felt that was both needful and appropriate to have the class compare and contrast President George W. Bush with Hitler, all the while tacitly and implicitly comparing the Iraq War with The Holocaust.

Yeah, education in America’s lamentable public school system has gone a long way over the last six decades. 🙁

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What Riled ISIS?

ISIS – or is have they been re-branded as ISIL now? – seemed to come out of nowhere like a freak squawl, with similar destructive potential. That begs the question – what riled ISIS up and enabled them to set out on the road of Islamist, genocidal mania?

It's a Hornets' Nest, Boy, Not a Pinata
It’s a Hornets’ Nest, Boy, Not a Pinata

The answer is sadly both easy and predictable. What riled up these ragheaded, goat-fucking, vermin was Obama’s foreign policy “decision” involving Syria and the MENA region in general.

I suppose we have to cut The First Black POTUS some slack though. ISIS’ original name was Jamāʻat al-Tawḥīd wa-al-Jihād – “The Organization of Monotheism and Jihad” – so Obama may have thought they were community organizers or even a humanitarian organization when he supported and armed them against Bashar al-Assad.

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NYC Protests ISIS

My home, NYC is often the site of significant street protests. Hellfire! We’re the home of the idiotic and meritless Occupy movement. Indeed, it’s quite common for our streets and bridges to clogged with- and closed by various groups spasmodically railing against one alleged outrage or another.

This is, of course, because NYC is heavily laden with Liberals and Progressives who find so very much in America that outrages them.

NYC street protest against ISIS
NYC Street Protest Against ISIS

This is not to say that the protests by various Liberal and Progressive cells are spontaneous or performed without any forethought. They can and do carefully pick what outrages them and make some level of effort to ensure that they don’t have conflicting protests which might dilute their message.

And really! One can’t really expect them to protest anything that Muslims do; it might dilute the message of their protests against Israel, America, and Christianity…oh, and White people.

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Maliki’s Desperate Gambit

If we can link ISIS to the Tea Party
If We Connect ISIS With The Tea Party

The truth be told, given the situation in Iraq, such a desperate gambit by Maliki is Iraq’s last, best hope. The only way that Obama will render them any real assistance before the 2014 midterm elections are over is if the Iraqi government can somehow connect ISIS with the Tea Party.

If they can do that, I’m sure Obama will use any and all force at his disposal to destroy them. 😉

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America The Mockable

Is there anyone left who still believes that the world is a safer place with Obama trying to rule over America and control our nation’s foreign policy? Given that the boy’s dangerous idiocy has turned America from being America the Beautiful and America the Strong to being America The Mockable, I don’t know how this can be the case…but I’m sure there’s still some cultists bitterly clinging to His dogma.

Yet this is what America suffers under the Obama Regimes “handling” of international diplomacy and foreign policy.

ISIS - Moochelle #BringBackOurHumvee
Even Jihadis Mock What They See As America

At this point even Jihadis like ISIS feel comfortable in mocking America’s titular leaders and, by proxy, America herself since the sad and horrific fact is that the Obama’s are the international face of American might and policy.

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has made a mockery of the U.S. first lady Michelle Obama through series of tweets accompanied by the hashtag: #bringbackourhumvee.

The militant group photo-shopped a popular image of Michelle carrying a sign that reads #bringbackourgirls, part of a global campaign to rescue 276 Nigerian school girls who were kidnapped by Boko Haram last month.

The #bringbackourhumvee tweets being shared by ISIS members and their supports on Twitter refer to American-made Humvees confiscated by the extremist militants in Iraq last week, the UK-based Daily Mail said.

Now #hastagerry is no more useful in the hands of Islamist vermin than it is in the hands of people, but it’s a sad day when these creatures can and do feel comfortable in mocking and goading America. It says a lot about the dangerous and abject failure that is the Obama Regime.

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