The Farce Continues

Welcome to the Dark Side, the intersection of anti-White ideology and science fantasy.

The Democrats' Climate Farce Goes Galactic
The Farce Continues

Yep! Obama and Clinton, most likely, would be perfectly cast in The Farce Continues. That’s the way Liberals and Progressives, and the Democrat politicians that farm them work.  As long as the West, especially America, is too White, they’ll keep pushing their death cult upon us.

IPCC Mind Trick
These Are Not The Graphs You Are Looking For

The thing is that our Dark Side doesn’t just have two Sith, one Master and one apprentice. It’s got a whole corrupt order of them. It’s called the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

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Bypass US Congress!

Laurent FabiusThe United Nations, the various global economic manipulators, the grifters and opportunists, and the true believers of the Warmists’ doomsday cult of AGW all have one existential problem in common – how to get their agenda past the stalwarts in the US Congress, who have repeatedly refused to support UN measures that would harm America’s economy and negatively impact American lives, livelihoods, and lifestyles.

It’s quite the problem for them since their movement is both predicated and dependent upon savaging America’s economy and industry.

France’s Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius – vastly unsurprisingly a Socialist – thinks he has the answer to their problem. He wants to just bypass the US Congress completely.

BONN, Germany (AP) — The global climate agreement being negotiated this year must be worded in such a way that it doesn’t require approval by the U.S. Congress, the French foreign minister said Monday.

Laurent Fabius told African delegates at U.N. climate talks in Bonn that “we know the politics in the U.S. Whether we like it or not, if it comes to the Congress, they will refuse.”

If negotiators follow his plan, that would exclude an international treaty that has legally-binding limits on greenhouse gas emissions – something some countries still insist on but which would have no chance of being ratified by the Republican-controlled Congress.

“We must find a formula which is valuable for everybody and valuable for the U.S. without going to the Congress,” said Fabius, who will host the U.N. climate summit in Paris in December where the new agreement is supposed to be adopted.

In many ways my thoughts on Fabius’ idea is for them to go for it. Without a treaty there is no binding agreement and their only hope for America’s compliance would be for a POTUS who both places an international agenda over American interests and has little to know respect for the Separation of Powers demanded by the Constitution.

True, they have that now in the person of Obama, but the UN’s Climate Summit isn’t until December and the boy will only be in office for a little over a year beyond that. Hence, unless America elects another to that office who doesn’t places an international agenda over American interests and has little to know respect for the Separation of Powers demanded by the Constitution, whatever the UN wants in the absence of a ratified treaty will be moot.

Je vous remercie, Monsieur Fabius. J’aime votre idée.

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Al Gore Comes Unhinged

Al Gore, the Hierophant of Global Warming, is getting angrier and angrier about his descent into irrelevance. This is unsurprising since he’s lost a great deal of money with the ongoing collapse of the AGW cult’s political power and stands to lose even more.

It’s truly hilarious to watch this ineffectual sociopath decompensate and become more and more unhinged.

Gore™ AGW Kool Aid – It’s Not Selling Anymore

At an Aspen Institute media forum titled “Networks and Citizenship” Gore came unhinged and started railing against just about every segment of American industry.

The model of media manipulation used then, Gore said, “was transported whole cloth into the climate debate. And some of the exact same people — I can go down a list of their names — are involved in this. And so what do they do? They pay pseudo-scientists to pretend to be scientists to put out the message: ‘This climate thing, it’s nonsense. Man-made CO2 doesn’t trap heat. It may be volcanoes.’ Bullshit! ‘It may be sun spots.’ Bullshit! ‘It’s not getting warmer.’ Bullshit!” Gore exclaimed.

Even leaving the profanity and utter gracelessness of Gore’s rantings aside, this was a pathetic display by a deeply morally bankrupt individual, hell-bent on trying to revive his doomsday cult for his own profit despite the growing weight of findings that shatter their myths.

“They pay pseudo-scientists to pretend to be scientists to put out the message…” After all the fraud, shoddy and slanted methodology, subornation of the peer review process, and outright corruption displayed by the IPCC, Al Gore, The University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit, and horde of other Warmists, it’s safe to say that Gore’s claim fits him and them far better than those that he railed against.

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The Sum Of Its Parts

Aristotle’s postulate, “The whole is greater from the sum of its parts” has become an axiom over the intervening 23 centuries since Aristotle wrote the various treatises that would later be compiled into the world’s first seminal work of philosophy, Metaphysics.

Of course “greater” means “larger”,  “more powerful” , or of “greater effect” as opposed to “better.” In the modern age nowhere is this more glaringly apparent than in the Warmists’ theories of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW).

How To Build The AGW Table

The original for the images above can be found at Bishop Hill.

Firstly, the whole of the Warmists’ theories are greater than the sum of their parts. Poor data, small errors, and malfeasance early in the modeling process all combined synergistically  to create either a mistake or a fraud far more potent and “great” than any of it’s individual parts would normally be capable of.

Secondly, climate is, like all systems, far more and greater than the sum of its parts – and the Warmists won’t even deign to look at all – or even most – of those parts. 😉

Fortunately, like all poorly crafted constructs fabricated from substandard components, the Warmists’ hypotheses and theories have collapsed under the weight of public scrutiny.

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Al Gore’s New Clothes

Al Gore and his cult of Warmists may be in denial, but that doesn’t change the fact their day has largely ended and they are well on the way along the downward spiral of relevancy that will either leave them as footnotes in history, like the 1970s Global Cooling believers, or as something akin to PETA, a mockery and an embarrassment.

Al Gore In Denial
Al Gore & His Warmists – Exposed!

Of course, as the above image displays, Al Gore hopefully wouldn’t be the first choice by the Warmists for a PETA style AGW poster or billboard. 😉

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