A Not So Creepy Clown

With the rise of “creepy clown” sightings up and down the East Coast of America, the populace is in a state of growing panic. Still, to avoid unwarranted fear, hatred, and possible backlash, I’d like to point out that not all clowns are creepy.

Not So Creepy Clown
A Not So Creepy Clown

See? Beautiful? Yes! Creepy? Nope!

And really, what do we actually have? There’s been no harm done by these supposed clowns; the police can’t even find any of the ones reported. So what’s the likely cause of these painted-faced boogie men?

  1. Mass hysteria brought on by the 2016 elections?
  2. Drunken or drugged-up Juggalos just wandering around?
  3. Yet another useless internet-inspired craze?
  4. A plot by angsty and envious mimes to hurt clowns?

Yeah, I’m not too worried about clowns, creepy or otherwise. That being said, if you see a clown, say something.

Hey! I’m just trying to do my part to prevent a rise in coulrophobia. 😆

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The Carboniferous Ends?

A cooling world covered in snowChange is unavoidable. All epochs, periods, eras, and ages come to an end. Just as 360 million years ago the Carboniferous period ended, so too does it seem as if the New Carboniferous period – notable for its fixation upon CO2 – has come to a not-untimely end.

Then, this was never a sustainable era due to its chilling effects upon economies.

The ending of the New Carboniferous period will likely be dated from the moment that the Australian Government has abolished the carbon tax it had imposed in mid-2012.

Australia’s recent vote to repeal its tax on carbon dioxide emissions is a setback to establishing a similar charge in the U.S., both sides in the debate agree.

Australia started taxing carbon in 2012, one of about 40 jurisdictions to do so, before reversing course last week and becoming the first country to repeal the penalty.

The repeal will send international shock waves ahead of Global Warming talks next year, when major economies like China, India and America will consider global greenhouse targets beyond 2030. Given that Australia is similar to America in its energy-intensive lifestyles and industries, the repeal makes it highly unlikely that the US will choose to try taxes CO2 emissions.

The Warmists are, of course, gnashing their teeth in shock, outrage, and hatred over Australia’s repeal of the its carbon tax. Like the giant arthropods of the first Carboniferous period, they’re doomed to extinction. Unlike them, however, they can see the ending of the age and of themselves.

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Global Warming Ends!

Michael Mann - False Scientist, Fraud, Corrupter, Liar, and valid target for extermination“Global Warming Ends!” should be the headline story for this week because it’s now obvious that Global Warming has ended. Oh, not the poorly understood cyclical rise and fall of Earth’s temperatures and not whatever warming effect might be caused by Man’s actions. No, what has finally ended is the farcical hoax and fraud of AGW as a sociopolitical and economic force in the majority of the Civilized World.

This theory is based upon direct scientific evidence. Columbia Journalism Review reports that 17 news organizations, including National Public Radio, Dow Jones, and The Washington Post, submitted an amicus brief in November, demanding access to Michael Mann’s emails during the time period of the Climategate scandals.

The 17 media organizations joining The Reporters Committee include:

  • Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
  • First Amendment Coalition
  • Gannett Co., Inc.
  • National Press Photographers Association
  • National Public Radio, Inc.
  • News Corp
  • Newspaper Association of America
  • North Jersey Media Group Inc.
  • Radio Television Digital News Association
  • Reuters America LLC
  • Student Press Law Center
  • The Washington Post

The can be little doubt that, if the Lamestream Media and NPR(!) have turned against Global Warming’s cofounder, the AGW hysteria has ended in all but name. All that’s left is the fallout and the repercussions against its grifters who promulgated it.

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Another Lexiconical Shift

Since the death cult’s birth the Warmists have struggled with naming the climatic system that forms the core of their faith. Time and time again both the facts in evidence and the public’s skepticism has forced them into lexiconical shifts:

Global Warming Is a Hoax - They will do for the sake of AGW what they would refuse to do in the name of Socialism

  1. Global Warming
  2. Climate Change
  3. Climate Chaos
  4. Climate Disruption
  5. Climate Uncertainty
  6. Carbon Pollution

Truth be told, it’s been rather amusing to-date to watch and listen to the Warmists scrambling and scrabbling about, trying to re-brand dogma every year or so in an attempt to wrench it into some semblance of a shape that matches reality while still providing an excuse for their attacks upon Western Civilization and the basic liberties of its citizenry.

The free peoples of the world will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of Global Warming they will adopt every fragment of the socialist platform, or so the Warmists hope.

The most recent change, however, is not humorous in the least. The problem is that the latest re-branding, “Carbon Pollution” came from Obama’s  campaign machine, Organizing for Action. They declared the new name Tuesday, August 13, 2013. Given the proclivities and pathology of the Thug-in-Chief, there’s little doubt that this re-branding of Global Warming is a precursor to the Obama Regime use of the various regulatory agencies under its control to enact the Warmists’ agenda without the factual color of law or bothering with garnering the legal authority to do so.

If CO2 is now Carbon Pollution, then one of the greatest polluters is Obama. He’s spewing out great gusts of it with his constant campaigning and jabbering rantings.

By the Warmists’ own accounting the boy’s “sustainability” should be brought into question. 😉

This recent change in naming, coming as it does from the Obama Regime’s proxies and foot soldiers, should concern each and every American. With the collapse of the Warmists’ cult’s public acceptance, they’re desperate and desperate people are often willing to go to extreme measures to stave off utter failure and total collapse. This is made worse by their alliance with the Obama Regime, who has never shown much respect for America’s law or its People.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. 😉

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Who Checks The Checkers?

Fact Checking is a big thing in the internet age. It’s most often used to debunk various hoaxes and urban legends, much as Mythbusters does on television. That does present a problem though…

XKCD - Snopes
Hmmm….So Who Does Make Sure Snopes Isn’t Lying?

Now I’m sure the owners and operators of Snopes.com, David and Barbara Mikkelson, are completely ethical, honest, and professional…but how would I fact check that belief? 😆

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