Oh You Funny

Oh You Funny! Probably Young Too
Oh You Funny! Probably Young Too

You probably need to be at least Gen X to get how funny this is. But, if you are part of our cohort, enjoy.

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Generational Outcomes

Generational Outcomes
Generational Outcomes Degenerate As Expected

Funny, delightfully sarcastic, but also very sadly and not unexpectedly true. The Western aphorism, “shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations” and the Chinese proverb, “Wealth does not last beyond three generations” exist for a reason. That reason being that they’ve been proven to be true.

And those of old enough to be part of the “Ass Whooping” Generation are somewhat to blame for what our grandchildren in this “Time Out” Generation have degenerated into, as are our children from the “You’re Grounded” Generation. Our parents raised us to succeed. We raised our children in that success. And they raised there’s to feel entitled by it.

And no, before anyone comments, there is no profundity in this on my part. It’s prosaic to the point of triteness. And yet, it needs to be repeated since every generation seems shocked by how badly our grandchildren turn out.

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Get Off My Net!

Get Off My Net!
Get Off My Net!

Yep, them youngins whine about anything and everything, never understanding the pain we went through or appreciating the gifts we made and handed over their ungrateful asses. 😉

Yeah, that’s right! Back in my day even this image was decades away from being possible. We used 150 baud acoustic coupler modems with cradles for the headsets of our rotary phones. These days, they’ll never know the pain and, hence, will never appreciate anything.

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The Old Left vs The New

The Old Left vs The New

And therein is the essential tragicomedy of the Left within America’s borders. With the glaring exceptions of anything that came out of President Trump’s administration and any attempt to apply law enforcement to the Blacks, the Leftists have gone in the span of five decades or so from being insanely anti-establishment to becoming slavishly pro-establishment.

Talk about a generation gap! They done a complete 180 and become more extreme and intolerant in recent years. My guess is this is because they now open endorse Soviet-style State Socialism because it’s to only way that they can get what they want since well over half the country disagrees with either the goals, means, or both.

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The Generation Gap

The Generation Gap
The Generation Gap

I can’t say that America is suffering from and through its worst generation gap. That would, IMHO, be the cap in outlook, beliefs, and patriotism between the Silent Generation and the Baby Boomers (Hippies). I can say, however, that the gap between the Millennials (Gen Y) and a significant subset of Generation Z and all former generations of Americans is both disgusting and profound.

But yeah! Greta Thunberg’s generation is going to start a revolution? Not very likely unless it can function and make an impact via social media and #Hashtaggery alone. :LOL:

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