Cybertruck Packaging

Cybertruck Packaging
Cybertruck Packaging

This is the Cybertruck packaging. Oh, it’s not how Tesla will deliver one to you. It’s how you’ll likely box it up to be taken away later. 😉

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Classic Volkswagens

Classic Volkswagens
Classic Volkswagens

Ahh… I love looking back on the classic Volkswagens, especially the iconic Beetle and the much rarer Millipede. 😛

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Electrical Failure

Electrical Failure
Electrical Failure

That about sums up electric vehicles (EVs) today. 100% electric and 100% failure, dependent on existing, proven technology to mitigate the harm they’ve caused those who have chosen or have been forced to use them. The only thing this isn’t is shocking.

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Oh You Funny

Oh You Funny! Probably Young Too
Oh You Funny! Probably Young Too

You probably need to be at least Gen X to get how funny this is. But, if you are part of our cohort, enjoy.

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Funny But Wise

Diesel Generator For Electric Car - Funny But Wise
Funny But Wise

ROFLMAO but also tipping my head and going, “Hmmmm.” Yeah, it’s hilarious and sarcastic in the extreme – snarkalicious if you will, but there’s also an underlying wisdom in this pic. Consider, if you will, the profit potential of a small, self-contained, fossil fuel powered generator that could be carried in electric vehicles.

With America’s infrastructure being nowhere near ready for the Democrat-enforced fleet of fully electric vehicles on our roads, there’s an obvious market coming for a compact generator for emergency automotive use. Nationwide, somebody could make an ongoing fortune on the product. Hell! They could make a quick mint in California… up until a couple of years later when California will have outlawed portable fossil fuel powered generators.

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