Profligate Wealth Displays

Profligate Wealth Displays In These Biden Times

Profligate wealth displays have always been part and parcel of civilization. However, in these days of the collapsing economy due to Bidenomics and its Bidenflation, grocery shopping – especially if you’re filling your cart and not looking at it in despair – is the most effective profligate display of your wealth. It’s far more effective than bling or a fancy car.

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Anorexia? Apparently No
Anorexia? Apparently Not

In these times – and the times coming soon if Americans don’t do what is necessary – it’s best not to judge dangerously underweight women. They may be victims of Biden’s domestic and foreign policies as opposed to eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.

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Two Big Reasons

Two Big Reasons To Be Savagely Anti-Communist
Two Big Reasons To Be Savagely Anti-Communist

Not only is Capitalism the economic form that sustains the world, but there’s two big reasons, truly powerful reasons, that I will always choose it over any other form of economy when at scale larger than a small, tight-knit, homogeneous community.

Bodacious Boobs Of The Free World

Because it’s true; you just don’t get very many bodacious boobs in non-Capitalist countries, most of whom have huge and persistent food production and distribution issues which result in starvation and stunted growth – and flatter, smaller boobs.

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Food Shortages

Food Shortages Are Not Surprising
Food Shortages Are Not Surprising

With the growing food shortages – honestly, still not a problem I’ve personally noticed beyond a certain level of mild inconvenience – I wonder if Biden and Co. are proud of themselves for their part in the economic collapse of America under their attempt to rule.

On The Bright Side, What Was Bothersome Is Now Smart

But, it’s not all ill winds blowing misery across our beleaguered-from-within land. With inflation, fuel crunches, and the rising and expanding food shortages, what was long-running series of bad jokes, worse memes, and bothersome and creepy attempts at meeting women is now approaching being a smart idea for men and women.

Despite what certain sorts of females and their titularly male enablers will tell you, women do appreciate and are attracted to men with money. And now, being able to fill a grocery cart and pay for it is swiftly becoming a sign of wealth and the willingness to spend it. Hence, grocery stores are now actually becoming a place to pick up women. 😆

But, all joking aside, it’s getting bad. And, you know that there are a bunch of Millennials feeling food insecurity because their local grocery store or boutique market hasn’t had their Divina martini olives in stock in weeks! And that’s how riots start… or, at least, angry Twitter #hashtags. 👿

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