Black Suicide

Black Male Suicide - Freedom comes from the barrel of a gunAs anyone with the ability to see what’s happening knows, the “Black Community” is plodding and shuffling down the preordained path to destruction. The end for them is already decided and there’s nothing that they can do about it, nor is there anything the rest of us could or should do about it. They sealed their fate decades ago in such a way as to make any intervention both impossible and unwarranted.

The “Black Community” is doomed to extinction and, while it might take as much as century for them to expire, expire they will.

The question that remains is will the last male of the “Black Community” standing, kneeling, or laying there be honest and admit that it was suicide, not murder or calamity that ended their culture.

  • Will he admit that they turned upon and preyed their own, finding any and all reasons, even unto the shade of their skins, to segregate themselves?
  • Will he admit they spent their wealth foolishly, preferring the outward trappings of luxury to any efforts at building a lasting financial security?
  • Will he admit that they destroyed their minds and bodies, as well as their finances, with drugs and alcohol?
  • Will he admit that they ate themselves to death, preferring foods that did far more harm to them than good?
  • Will he admit that they turned their backs on educating themselves and their progeny?

With none of his people left to care or be cared about, this last male of the “Black Community” might make such admissions but I doubt it. Most likely, he will stay strong and cleave to his theology, which says unto him that it is “Whitey’s” fault that he and his have gone the way of the dodo.

White bitch screaming, That's Racist!At this point, if they made it this far, the Liberals and Progressives, most of whom happen to be well-heeled, privileged, and White, are gnashing their teeth and screaming at their computers about how racist this article is. So too will some members of the “Black Community” but they, at least, will have some reason to do so since harsh truths and negative prognoses often drive people into denial and lashing out.

But, to what I hope but do not expect to be their chagrin, this isn’t my idea or really my words. What I have done here is to merely paraphrase the words of “The Last Black Man Standing” by Dr. Kamau Kambon, a racist blacktivist who has called for the extermination of all White people. That, by the Liberals’, Progressives’, and their minority tenants’ own rules, makes these statement impossible to be racist.

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Jihadi Juice

Sometimes it truly amazes me that the Muslim terrorists and jihadis can continue to sow so much fear across the globe. It’s not as if the ragheads are well known for their intelligence…

I mean really! The Russians’ RPG-7 is probably the single most effective, durable, and easy to use and maintain rocket-propelled grenade launcher in the world. Young children have even used it effectively. Yet, somehow the Muslims can’t seem to get the hang of it.

When You’re Too Stupid To Use a RPG-7…

They’re not so good with mortars either. 😛 ROFLMAO – I guess, “Allahu Akbar!” is Jihadi for, “Hey y’all, watch this!” The results certainly seem to be similar and similarly evolutionarily self-correcting.

But, as much as my Schadenfreude is peaked by the bint’s moaning and wailing in the background, what is with these jihadi vermin and home movies of them trying to attack people?

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Evolution’s Evolution

1871 editorial cartoon depicting Charles Darwin as an apeMore and more of late Evolution and Creationism are making the news once again in America. What both amazes and amuses me is that the current crop of arguers seem to think this is a new thing. It isn’t. The only thing that has changed is which side currently has the legal upper hand in the argument over Evolution vs. Creationism.

What’s most amazing to me is that the Evolutionists act like evolution is accepted fact and that it’s only fringe, “extremist” Christians who believe in- or accept the possibility of Creationism.

Much like the fallacy that the Evolution vs. Creationism is new, the belief that in America evolution is accepted fact and that it’s only fringe, “extremist” Christians who are Creationists is a self-serving fantasy of the Evolutionists. In point of replicable, scientific fact, as of 2012: 46% of Americans believe in the Creationist view that God created humans in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years; 32% believe that humans evolved, but with God’s guidance, i.e., Intelligent Design; and only 15% say humans evolved, but that God had no part in the process. These figures have been largely unchanging over the last 30 years of polling.

Gallup Evolution vs. Creationism Poll - 1982-2012Creationism – Intelligent Design – Evolution from 1982 – 2012

As one can see, within America, the Godless view of Evolution is itself something of a non-survival trait and, hence, an evolutionary dead end. 😉

It must also be noted that Evolution wasn’t even close to the de facto science curriculum in American high schools until the beginning parts of the mid-20th century. Indeed, by 1925 a number of states had passed, and more had introduced, laws outlawing the teaching of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and these laws, by and large, weren’t overturned until 1960s. Additionally, since the 1960s and through today, various states have enacted laws, with admittedly mixed results, to bring the teaching of Evolution more in line with the normative viewpoints and beliefs of the American people.

So it’s both amazing and amusing to me the the Evolutionist think this is a new argument and/or that they hold the majority opinion on the matter. If anything, they should be damned glad that they’re allowed to teach it all instead of complaining whenever it sought to teach alternatives to Evolution alongside of it.


NOTE: For the record, my personal views fall in an odd place between Intelligent Design and Evolution. In other words, I am a soul who has a body and I’m not sold on the idea that the God(s) took any more hand in designing that body other than to ensure that it would evolve into a form that could make the soul’s desires tangible, material, and enactable. Then, I believe that all science is theology.

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We Were All Liberals

The theory of Biogenetic Law can be summed up with the phrase, “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.” This is the hypothesis that as an animal develops from embryo to mature adult, it goes through series of morphological stages resembling or representing the successive stages in the the animal’s evolution.

This process has some interesting macro-societal implications. 😛

All Babies are Born Liberals. They are helpless, dependent and do not respect the rights of others, demanding to have their needs met at once. Conservatives grow up!

— Unknown, NC State Republican Convention

H/T to Bill Moore for the quote.

Old Ernst Haeckel may have overplayed the Lamarckian components of his Biogenetic Law theory but it’s pretty clear that he got a lot of it right. The simple fact that people become less Liberal and more Conservative as they mature is evidence to this effect.

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Atheists Hate This Book

The Mystery of Life’s Origin: Reassessing Current Theories

The Atheists really hate this book because it scientifically approaches Intelligent Design and the statistical improbability of evolution of cellular life by random chance. This is especially true of Eugenie Scott, PZ Myers, Richard Dawkins, and their ilk, who are theologically invested in a Godless universe.

But why do these Atheists hate the work of the authors: Charles B. Thaxton, Walter L. BradleyRoger L. Olsen so much? They hate and despise their work, The Mystery of Life’s Origin: Reassessing Current Theories, because in it these three scientists show the inherent  implausibility of life spontaneously arising from non-life. Atheists like Scott, Meyer, and Dawkins are far more comfortable attacking religions and religious beliefs than they are defending their pet theories and postulates against scientific inquiry.

This book offers an excellent scientific analysis of important data related to the theory of evolution. It is – or should be – a seminal work for the theory of intelligent design since it scientifically critiques the Atheists’ prevailing paradigmatic theories of chemical evolution. It doesn’t so much criticize Darwinism as it does criticize the very underpinning of the initial evolution of life on Earth, something that is a prerequisite for the Darwinian mechanism of evolution to happen.

The volume as a whole is devastating to a relaxed acceptance of current theories of abiogenesis. It is well written, and, though technical, much of the book is within the reach of the informed non-scientist. The book apparently has been well received by many who are working in the field of abiogenesis, such as Dean Kenyon and Robert Shapiro.

James F. Jekel
Dept. of Epidemiology & Public Health
Yale University School of Medicine

Be forewarned though; the authors are distinguished scientists holding advanced degrees in chemistry, materials science, and geochemistry and the book, while very important and quite interesting, is not an easy read by any stretch of the imagination and truly requires a firm grounding in chemistry to fully appreciate.

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