Darwin’s Calling

Here’s a morbidly interesting and very darkly humorous video of a Hamas terrorist doing his twisted best to prove Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. The jihadi – or more properly, the Fedayeen is showing that Natural Selection as a process by which favorable inheritable traits become more common in successive generations of a population, and unfavorable inheritable traits become less common has a certain indisputable validity.

Video courtesy of Live Leak

Even if we leave the science of evolutionary biology out the equation, this wretch certainly deserves the “honor” of the Darwin Award for 2009.

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7 Responses to “Darwin’s Calling”

  1. Inzax Says:


  2. jonolan Says:

    I’m glad you enjoyed it, Inzax.

  3. Josh Brandt Says:

    alahu ak*boom*!!

  4. jonolan Says:

    That was hilarious, Josh; I love it and wish I’d thought of it.

    My wife, Eve, wanted me to text-quote her response to your comment:

    [The Guinness Guys] Brilliant! [/The Guinness Guys]

  • Jihadi Juice - Reflections From a Murky Pond Says:

    […] not so good with mortars either. ROFLMAO – I guess, “Allahu Akbar!” is Jihadi for, “Hey y’all, watch […]

  • cmblake6 Says:


  • Why are we still there? | Cmblake6's Weblog Says:

    […] Holy Shit. Nuke ‘em from space, it’s the only way to be sure. On the other hand, they seem to be doing a fine job on their own. […]

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