Rape’s Not Newsworthy

Lara LoganI’m fairly sure that most people in the Civilized World have heard that CBS reporter Lara Logan was brutally beaten and gang raped by 200 or so of the insurrectionists in Cairo’s Tahrir Square on Friday February 11, 2011.

That’s in the Civilized World. The Muslim World knows little, if anything, about it because they don’t consider such events to be newsworthy.

If one goes to the Liberals’ new darling “news outlet,” Al-Jazeera English and search for any mention of “Lara Logan“, the non-results are stark proof that her vicious attack was not considered something that should be reported upon even to their growing Western audience.  Completely unsurprisingly, their original, Arabic site also has no mention of Lara Logan.

In point of fact, if one searches for “rape” on Al-Jazeera English’s website, one will find many articles about the crime but none of them involve rape committed by Arabs. Their their original, Arabic site seems to be similar, though it includes articles about rapes of female political prisoners within Iran which are tellingly not found on Al-Jazeera English.

The attack upon and brutalization, defilement, and pollution of an attractive, blond-haired, blue-eyed, Western, female reporter by a reeking mob of slavering Muslim apes isn’t news within the Muslim World unless it’s such that they can gloat and crow about it.

Additionally, since the gang rape couldn’t be pinned on Mubarek’s agents or supporters, it didn’t fit the “message” that Al Jazeera’s anti-American propaganda machine, Al-Jazeera English seeks to poison the Civilized World with, they were never going to comment upon it.

So we in the Civilized World should not be shocked by Al-Jazeera’s refusal to cover Lara Logan’s beating and gang rape. Her’s was reportedly not the only sexual assault upon a Western woman by Egyptian males in Tahrir Square that day and such gang rapes, nor are such attacks unusual during larger, emotional gatherings of Muslims in Egypt.

Rape, pedophilia, and disgustingly barbaric levels of abuse of women and girls are all part and parcel of Islam and the Muslim World, hence they’re no more newsworthy there than going to the local market is within the Civilized World so there’s no rational or sane reason to expect any media outlet that caters to Muslims to report upon it.

This holds true for the original, Arabic version of Al-Jazeera which caters to an Arab Muslim audience. Al-Jazeera English is another story and they should be dealt with differently.

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The Next Deployment

Silhouette of Soldier in Front of US FlagAn American serviceman, be he or she a soldier, sailor, or Marine, is always somewhat concerned about what and where their next deployment will be. Their families are even more concerned about such things.

It’s a matter of grave importance to them.

My educated guess is that there’s a good chance that many of our servicemen and servicewomen will soon be deployed to the Sinai Peninsula in accordance with the 1981 Protocol to the Treaty of Peace.

Interactive Map of Sinai Peninsula With Zones of Control

How bad and dangerous duty in Sinai Peninsula will be will be determined largely by what happens in Egypt in the wake of the insurrectionists ousting President Mubarek.

How long the deployments will be is anyone’s guess but I would expect a significant increase in personnel for Task Force Sinai to happen soon – small increases have already happened in the last month – and the increased levels of force to be maintained until at least the 2012 Presidential Elections.

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Egypt’s Uncertain Future

As what would be called rioting and insurrection or protests, depending upon one’s views, continues to escalate and grow even more violent in Egypt it becomes obvious that Egypt’s President, Muhammad Hosni Sayyid Mubarak is not going to be in office much longer.

Egypt's Uncertain FutureHope For The Best But Plan For The Worst

The Civilized World now has to focus on what Egypt will become once the current government is removed.

Egypt could become a solid democracy, at least for a while, and continue as a respected ally of America and the West; it could become a Islamist Theocracy, either overtly or effectively despite whatever trappings of democracy remain; or it could descend into anarchy for years as one failed single party or coalition government after another implodes.

Sadly, two out of three of those options, and the two most probable ones, turn Egypt into just another failed Muslim quasi-State that is a hotbed and safe haven for Islamic Terrorism.

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It’s Us or Them, Obama

Obama Gump - Stupid Is As Stupid DoesWhether Americans; our oikophobic domestic enemies, the Liberals, Progressives, and the minority tenants; or the world at large likes it or not, the decision as to how America responds, both openly and covertly, to the insurgency in Tunisia and Egypt is in the hands of President Obama. For better or worse, he will be the one to decide upon and set the tone for America’s foreign policy in this matter.

There are only two choices before him. He can choose to support and further America’s interests or he can choose to support and further the perceived interests of the popular insurrection in Egypt and Tunisia. He cannot do both because those two sets of interests are in direct conflict with each other.

America’s interests are for stability in the region, irrespective of how that stability is maintained. Unrest, turmoil, chaos, and anarchy in North Africa and the Middle-East will be the near- and mid-term effects of these insurgencies and are very much not in our nation’s interests, especially since Islamists will likely rise to power in the wake of these revolts.

The perceived interests of the rebels, such as we can discern with limited access, is overthrowing regimes that they find economically dysfunctional, oppressive, and too fond of America and the West.

That present Obama with a stark binary choice. He can have America back the current regimes in the region despite their flaws and maintain the stability that America requires or he can ave America back the popular revolts despite their strong anti-American sentiments, the chaos they will bring, and the probability that these nations will become even more Islamist in outlook.


Or Obama can choose not to choose in any meaningful way, as he did concerning the attempted Iranian revolution in the wake of Khameni’s and Ahmadinejad’s theft of Iran’s election in 2010.

The Obama Solution - Do Nothing and Then Talk About It
Obama’s Likely Third Option – Not To Choose

Of course, just as in the case of the Green Revolution last year, that sort of non-response will only lead to all sides and our titular Western allies, distrusting and disliking America even more than they do now.

Sadly for America it is this non-choice that I expect Obama to make regarding the Tunisian and Egyptian revolts. It would show the aloofness, born of inexperience, inability, and insecurity, that Obama has become so swiftly become infamous for.

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Liberals’ Oikophobia

Liberals and Progressives within America’s borders have long suffered from oikophobia, a term coined by modern British philosopher Roger Scruton to describe those that are possessed of, “the disposition, in any conflict, to side with ‘them’ against ‘us’, and the felt need to denigrate the customs, culture and institutions that are identifiably ‘ours.'”

No adequate word exists for this attitude, though its symptoms are instantly recognised: namely, the disposition, in any conflict, to side with ‘them’ against ‘us’, and the felt need to denigrate the customs, culture and institutions that are identifiably ‘ours’. Being the opposite of xenophobia I propose to call this state of mind oikophobia, by which I mean (stretching the Greek a little) the repudiation of inheritance and home.

— Roger Scruton
England & the Need for Nations

One of the things that truly spotlights their oikophobia is the dichotomy inherent in their attitudes towards the current chaos in the Muslim World and America’s Tea Party.

2011 Muslim Revolts

Liberals endorse, support, and laud the insurrectionists in Tunisia and Egypt who have turned to violent means to overthrow their governments due to economic problems, loss or lack of personal liberties, and those governments being seen as having ceded too much power to foreign interests, mostly America and the nations of the Civilized World.

2010 Tea Party Protest

Conversely, Liberals utterly condemn and vilify the Tea Party Patriots who have peacefully protested against America’s government due to economic problems, loss or lack of personal liberties, and that government being seen as having ceded too much power to foreign interests, namely the United Nations.

Yes, the Left’s conflicting views of these two disparate groups who have protested for very similar reasons points up their oikophobia with a clear and harsh light for all Americans to see.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. 😉

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