Why Millennials Fail

Why Millennials Fail
Why Millennials Fail

While meant as humor, this cartoon nigh on perfectly sums up why Millennials and Gen Zers – when they actually have normal jobs – consistently fail to keep them and/or get promotions. They put in their time, normally doing the minimal effort allowed, and then leave, no matter what the situation is or how much works still needs to be done.

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The Retro 2020s

The Retro 2020s
The Retro 2020s

What’s old is gone, largely forgotten, and back again… or will be very soon. The real effects of the Coronavirus pandemic, the massive damages from the panicdemic built up around it, the “retiring” of so many of the eaters, and the Democrat policies and restrictions that exacerbated these issues has all but guaranteed that 2020s will be a reprise of earlier economically devastated times.

The Perfect Storm or Slacknado

From what I can see, this is being brought about by the intersectionality of TURDS and the simple fact that both the lower echelons of the residents within our country and the ever-entitled Millennials disdain for working. When Democrat politicians are willing to sacrifice the nation in order to refute President Trump’s very existence and 10s or 100s of millions of individuals are more than willing to capitalize upon it in order to avoid working, the coming economic collapse is foreordained.


So, My Fellow Americans, you’d better both strap in and get strapped. Things aren’t just going to go downhill, they’re going to go over a cliff. Be ready, willing, and able to take both defensive and proactive measures to defend yourself, your family, and the future of our People.

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Today’s Workforce

Let me start off with the simple statement that America has 10’s of millions of good, productive, workers, though fewer as a percentage of the population than before. These largely unsung heroes, doing jobs both clean and dirty, have always been the backbone of American greatness.

However, they may no longer be the norm…

Today’s Workforce

Let’s face it; the Sisyphean “traji-comedy” above is almost an iconic representation of those members of the American workforce that we do hear about, the ones clamoring for a higher minimum and/or other privileges that neither their ability nor willingness to work or the jobs they perform have earned.

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Asian Grading System

There’s a reason why Asians tend as a whole to excel in America and outperform all other demographics. It’s the same reason as why so many other minorities, especially the Blacks, hate them with a sick passion. It’s also the very same reason that, in the name of diversity – and maintaining “Legacy” enrollmentacademia is prejudiced against them.


Asian Grading System
(Click to Enlarge)

Yes, the picture above is meant to be humor…but it’s humor grounded, as is all the best humor, in social commentary about real situations, behaviors, and attitudes.

  • A = Average
  • B = Below Average
  • C = Can’t Have Dinner
  • D = Don’t Come Home
  • F = Find A New Family

This is not too far off the mark from how Asian parents, by and large, deal with their children’s education and success therein. They expect diligence, responsibility, and a strong work ethic, demand such things from their children, and aren’t afraid of using discipline to get them.

Yep! The Asian Grading System, it’s the reason why Asian, irrespective of the socioeconomic strata they come from and despite sometimes massive cultural and linguistic barriers, tend to succeed and outperform, as a group, others in America.

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