It has been discovered that with a dull urban population, all formed under a mechanical system of State education, a suggestion or command, however senseless and unreasoned, will be obeyed if it be sufficiently repeated.
jonolan on New Client, New Problem: “😆 I’m always going to advocate for both. It be too hypocritical for me to do otherwise.” Sep 21, 07:03
Tyler, the Portly Politico on New Client, New Problem: “My top two from this exquisite collection: 1.) 2.) I can’t figure out the winner! Tuscan bouffant or…” Sep 20, 18:59
jonolan on Bikini Interlude 92: “At the risk of poorly extrapolating your position, I’d say that you prefer a more natural, less worked at /…” Jul 28, 08:50
With so many Democrat-controlled states raising the minimum wage for fast food workers to untenable levels, many places – especially pizza places – have or are in the process of laying off workers and outsourcing deliveries to 3rd-parties. So, I’d not be surprised if this sort of full-service delivery exists some place or soon will. 😉
And hey! Democrats on both coasts have been seriously flirting with legalizing prostitution, so this isn’t out of the realm of near-to-mid term possibility of being an open offer… possibly even being on the menu. 🙄
This entry was posted on Monday, June 17th, 2024 at 11:24 am and is filed under Food & Drink, Humor, Politics, Society.
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It’s more than a bit funny that the mad socialist, Bernie Sanders is, himself, feeling the “Bern.” Then, Socialism is great fuel and hypocrisy and equally good accelerant. Bernie’s self-immolation was almost guaranteed. 😉
Bernie’s Self-Immolation
What’s happened is that Bernie’s campaign staff – which unionized – is in extended arguments with their “management” over the pay and benefits that his campaign’s field staffers get. The staffers have complained that their salaries of $36,000 annually ends up being less than $15.00 / hour when the numbers of hours a week they work on average are factored in.
A letter that the campaign’s union planned to send to Sanders’ campaign manager Faiz Shakir which read in part that workers “cannot be expected to build the largest grassroots organizing program in American history while making poverty wages. Given our campaign’s commitment to fighting for a living wage of at least $15.00 an hour, we believe it is only fair that the campaign would carry through this commitment to its own field team.”
The letter states that field organizers are working at least 60 hours a week, which lowers the average per hour pay to $13 an hour.
“Many field staffers are barely managing to survive financially, which is severely impacting our team’s productivity and morale. Some field organizers have already left the campaign as a result,” the letter said.
Even a proposal from the campaign director, Faiz Shakir that recommended raising their salaries to $42,000 per annum was rejected, largely because the proposal didn’t also include Bernie paying for 100% of the staffers’ healthcare costs.
Yep. Ol’ Bernie really should have known that, if he’s going to run on forcing higher wages for low-end personnel and free healthcare for all, he was going to have to fut the bill for them same for the partisans actually working for him.
Oh! And just to add more fuel to his own pyre, Bernie’s response to this rebellion as of July 19, 2019 was to reduce staff hours to ensure everyone makes $15 an hour.
This entry was posted on Sunday, July 21st, 2019 at 6:27 am and is filed under 2020 Elections, Politics.
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Let me start off with the simple statement that America has 10’s of millions of good, productive, workers, though fewer as a percentage of the population than before. These largely unsung heroes, doing jobs both clean and dirty, have always been the backbone of American greatness.
However, they may no longer be the norm…
Today’s Workforce
Let’s face it; the Sisyphean “traji-comedy” above is almost an iconic representation of those members of the American workforce that we do hear about, the ones clamoring for a higher minimum and/or other privileges that neither their ability nor willingness to work or the jobs they perform have earned.
This entry was posted on Saturday, August 13th, 2016 at 6:58 am and is filed under Humor, Society.
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Truly, there’s no hypocrisy quite like organized hypocrisy, as the Los Angeles, CA cells of the labor unions have just shown the world. After months of assaulting businesses that were against increasing the minimum wage to $15 /Hr, the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor — the local cell of the AFL-CIO — now, on the eve of LA’s adopting the increase, demands that union shops be exempted from the minimum wage increase.
While shocking in the arrogant overtness of these grifters’ demand, the demand for an escape clause for the unions is hardly shocking in its substance. While the ever-credulous “sheeple” have been gulled into believing that unions’ battles to raise the minimum wage are motivated by concern for low-income Americans, reasonable and more informed Americans know that it’s actually all about increasing the power and membership of the unions and, thereby, increasing the monies that they take from the workers now beholden to them.
Any such exemption would allow the unions greater strength when it comes to infiltrating various workplaces. They would be able to tell businesses such as fast food chains, hotels, and hospitals that if they agree to allowing the unions to take over the labor pool, their labor costs will be substantially lower because they will be forced by law to pay their unskilled workers the new, higher minimum wage.
Truly, there’s no hypocrisy quite like organized hypocrisy. Big Labor cares about its own coffers, not those of the workers.
This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 17th, 2015 at 8:39 am and is filed under Politics.
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I’ve said before that raising the minimum wage in order to provide the “poor” with the material standard of living they feel entitled to is a plan that will backfire, causing incalculable financial harm to the very people it’s meant to provide for.
McDonald’s New Kiosk Model
(Click to Enlarge)
Well, it appears that, if you’re one of those who’ve been screaming to make $15 / hr to flip burgers, your future is now. McDonald’s is piloting a new, cashier-free kiosk system in several major US cities after having great success with them in Europe. And this is just McDonald’s; others are moving this way as well.
What is as telling as it is interesting is that, despite the hype, that these kiosks were developed to reduce labor costs, they weren’t. They were developed in order to speed up the ordering process and overall improve the customer experience…because the workers, who now want more money, couldn’t or wouldn’t do job as well as a self-service kiosk.
And the above are just about the cashiers. Other automated systems are in development or early pilot to completely automate the fast food cooking process. Hence, soon there may be very few people employed in the fast food industry at all.
Yes, to all those who’ve pushed, and pushed, and putsched to jack up the minimum wage I say, your future is now and it is bleak.
This entry was posted on Friday, May 29th, 2015 at 12:24 pm and is filed under Politics, Society.
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