The Highest Paid Actor

The Highest Paid Actor
The Highest Paid Actor

Oh yeah; Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy has made far, far, far money as an actor than Tom Cruise has made or has any chance of ever making. Zelenskyy has made approximately $70 billion off the US alone thanks to his acting skills and his Democrat fanbase.

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Biden's Bad Theater

Biden's Bad Theater In Ukraine
Biden’s Bad Theater

So, last week Ole’ Creepy Uncle Joe hared off to Kyiv, Ukraine to make some sort of “statement” while handing his family’s business partner, Volodymyr Zelenskyy another big chunk of American taxpayers’ money ($500 million). And, of course, it was something of a spectacular event with air sirens going off and explosions rocking the city. It was truly a stunning time, a “great risk” to Biden, and a sure sign of his courage and commitment to the cause.

Except that it was just theater, and very bad theater at that.

Indeed, Biden’s bad theater was so bad that even CNN – ever Democrat loyalists – felt compelled to comment upon it.

I’ve been here for the past five days. I have not heard any explosions. I have not heard any air sirens, until about half an hour ago, right when Joe Biden was in the center of Kyiv

Alex Marquardt
CNN Senior National Security Correspondent

But, Biden’s bad theater is par for the course with this “administration.” It’s just a bit more expensive than most off, off, off, off Broadway productions. It’s also the best that they can do, since they have to worry about a Code Silver every moment Biden’s awake and moving around where people can see or hear him.

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Dems' Flagging Loyalty

Dems' Flagging Loyalty
Dems’ Flagging Loyalty

In truth, the Dems flagging their loyalty to a foreign power while trampling the American flag and nation is neither surprising or anything new. They’ve never had anything but hatred towards the American people and have been panting for a war with Russia since President Trump was elected.

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McConnell Switched Parties?

McConnell Switched Parties?

Is it the case that Mitch McConnell Switched Parties quietly? Because the drivel he’s spouting sure sounds like the bullshit coming out of the Dems’ holes. Because I’ve sure as Hell haven’t heard any Republicans claiming that aiding in Biden’s war against Putin was a priority at all, much less the highest one. That’s Dem talk and pretty much only Dem talk. We’ve got far more important concerns than trying to start WW3 to balk President Trump’s return to office.

Or, as it a bit more likely, McConnell is just setting up his preconditions and rationalizations for a bunch of earmarks he’s getting ready to add to the upcoming Defense Appropriation Bill so as to support companies in his state which are part of the Military Industrial Complex. 😉

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The True Danger Of Biden

The True Danger Of Biden Is His Senile Dementia

As I’ve commented before, Creepy Uncle Joe’s reasoned and deliberate actions – most, if not all, of which are carefully scripted and set forth by whichever cabal is using him as a sock puppet – are far less dangerous to America and the world than what Biden comes up with on his own. He is quite capable of starting World War III quite by accident… if he hasn’t already set the stage for it.

On Saturday, March 26, 2022, Biden spoke to Eastern Europe and before the whole world from the Polish Royal Castle (Zamek Królewski) and delivered a fiery speech that could not only be considered a call to war, but a call to Holy War. It’s almost as if he wants WWW3 and the Apocalypse… or that he’s far past the point where he can understand the potential impact of what he says.

Nine Words To Rock The World And In War End It

Sometimes the world is irrevocably changed by just an utterance. In this case, it might be just nine un-thoughtful words by a dementia-ridden relic who should have been put to pasture or put down some time ago.

For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power!

“President” Joe ‘Bad Hands’ Biden

Yes, the derelict wreck of mediocre man which the Democrats installed as the POTUS just called for Regime Change in Russia and the overthrowing of their government… or, so it could easily be interpreted.

In point of fact, Biden’s ranting immediately forced his handlers and apologists to “walk back” his de facto declaration of war.

I think the president, the White House, made the point last night that, quite simply, President Putin cannot be empowered to wage war or engage in aggression against Ukraine or anyone else

As you know, and as you have heard us say repeatedly, we do not have a strategy of regime change in Russia, or anywhere else, for that matter.

— The Democrats’ Secretary of State Antony Blinken

Yeah, that’d be nice, but everyone on this planet with a hint of exposure to geopolitics knows that America has both a long history of trying for regime changes in unfriendly nations and at least one whole quasi/pseudo agency devoted to this technique.

But wait! It gets worse, potentially a lot worse.

Deus Vult!

It is, somewhat scarily, not particularly hyperbolic to say that speech that was prepared for Biden to deliver started with a call to Christendom to stand against Russia as its “Sacred Duty.” This is especially disturbing since the speech started off with an extended reference to Pope John Paul II aka Archbishop of Krakow, Karol Józef Wojtyła, who is held by a great many people as being singularly instrumental in freeing Poland and the fall of the USSR.

For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power!

God bless you all. And may God defend our freedom. And may God protect our troops.

When you add in Biden unscripted, “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power!” it does become a case of Deus Vult (“God Wills It” and the Crusaders’ Cry of Battle) if any choose to take it as such.


Well, it’d be both ironic and somehow fitting if WW3 was set in motion by the rantings of senile old man who should have never been allowed to leave his basement, much less be installed where he is a threat to world order.

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