12 Years Of Obamacare

ObamaCare Hindenberg
12 Years Of Obamacare

Yesterday marked the 12th anniversary of Obamacare – also mendaciously and ironically known as the Affordable Care Act. But tell me, in the course of those 12 years of Obamacare, have you or anyone you know objectively benefited from it? I know that I haven’t and that nobody I know has. Then, I and most of them are Gen X Whites and not the intended beneficiaries of it.

But, 12 years is a long time, more than long enough to shake out any “birthing pains” in this sweeping piece of federal intrusion into the most personal segment of the private sector. I’d have expected to hear some crowing – or, at least happy, I-Told-You-So mention of – over its successes. But I haven’t heard or read or word.

So, tell me; has 12 years of Obamacare benefited you or anyone?

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Pelosi’s Nightmare

Pelosi's Nightmare Before Christmas
Pelosi’s Nightmare Before Christmas

What I lot of Americans, myself included, view as a Christmas gift of sorts, is Nancy Pelosi’s Nightmare Before Christmas. While, like all Democrats, she hates the idea of reducing taxes, especially upon employers, what’s really has her screaming in the night is the GOP’s Tax Cut Bill’s provision to eradicate the Democrats’ tax penalty for not purchasing health insurance.

Yes, Pelosi’s nightmare is that the American people will no longer be forced under threat of federal reprisal to purchase something that they may or may not desire. Apparently, if we’re to believe that her histrionics are genuine, this really interferes with her sleep.

Of course, Pelosi’s singular and signature “accomplishment” of record was wildly unpopular and the mostly unmitigated failure that is generally called Obamacare. As she, again like every other Democrat to speak on the subject, believes that Obamacare’s continued existence is predicated upon the forced-purchase of health insurance, her nightmare has some basis in perceived fact.

OMG! They’re Not Forcing You To Buy Insurance

But then, if Obamacare and Pelosi’s peace of mind require that so many millions of people be threatened into purchasing an unwanted product – some, like myself, who were no longer allowed to purchase a similar product under Obamacare, whose nightmare should reign supreme, Pelosi’s or those millions of Americans’?

Frankly, it seems to me that Pelosi’s Nightmare Before Christmas is a Christmas gift to us.

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You’re Going To Die

This is a simple fact. You’re going to die. Something in this world is going to kill you, me, and everyone else currently alive. This is a fact, an incontrovertible fact, a cornerstone of our existence.

You’re Going To Die

It’s the response to this facet of reality by so damn many people in America that makes this video funny, ironic social commentary, and a useful example of why things like Obamacare were always doomed to fail.

Simply and inelegantly put, too many inside America’s borders are cowards who fear death far too much to even live. Indeed, they fear their own deaths – inevitabilities each and every one – so much that they won’t even let others live their lives.

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Practice Is Meaningless

Practice Is Meaningless If You Choke In ActionPractice Is Meaningless If You Choke In Action

Despite having had seven years to come up with a working solution to the wrecked junker that is ObamaCare, Congressional Republicans choked when practice became reality. This was something that I feared would happen though, so I’m at least not shocked by it.

It's like a facehugger but not as pleasantRemoving May Take Longer Than We Thought

Please understand, however, that I always knew that the process of repealing and possibly replacing ObamaCare would be exact that, a process. I also truly do understand that it will be what most of us would consider a long and painful process.

The Democrats, quasi-led and certain sheltered by their precious token, Obama, made sure that ObamaCare would be nigh on impossible to repeal. It’s octopuslike – some would say Cthuhluian – tentacles stretch around and strangle the entirety of our nation healthcare and health insurance systems. That’s a hard thing to remove at a stroke.

Still though, the GOP has had seven freaking years to come up with a treatment plan. So far, going by their first effort – if one can call it that with a straight face, all that time for practice has been wasted.

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A Failure Of Care

The ironically – or Orwellian – name Affordable Care Act (ACA) aka Obama is and was from its inception a failure- a fail of care and a failure on the part of Democrats to care about the consequences of their actions. Hellfire and their damnation! It was a failure on their part to even read the omnibus bill before forcing it into law and upon the American people.

No, It needs the scrapyard
It Just Needs A Few Minor Tune-Ups

This failure resulted in a new “healthcare system” that was broken, that needed more than minor fixes to work even so well as what America had before – despite all of Obama’s tap-dancing and the Congressional Democrats’ dissembling. ObamaCare needed to be sent to the proverbial scrapyard and, in theory, replaced with something that could actually work in America.

Over the course of the intervening seven painful years, it seemed that Congressional Republicans understood this.

Failure Of CareThere! Better Than New

Sadly for we, the People, seeming isn’t being. What the GOP seems to think are fixes for ObamaCare are, in my opinion, merely a hodgepodge of removals of various components and restrictions within the ACA with – once again – a failure to care about the consequences of their actions. No, instead of the promised “Repeal and Replace,” the American Health Care Act (AHCA) aka RyanCare is little more than a shade tree patch job of ObamaCare and a bad one at that.

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