Husband, Father, Totoro

Husband, Father, Totoro
Husband, Father, Totoro

Gentlemen, once your a husband and a father, expect to occasionally be Totoro as well. It’s just the way life is and the way it’s supposed to be.

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Actionable Affirmations

Orthocegenation - Actionable Affirmations
Orthocegenation – Actionable Affirmations

Since it’s once again Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, it seems to me to be the most appropriate time to remind all you, my fellow White Men, that Orthocegenation is the best way to reach the goals of equality. Providing Black Women with our children and our support as fathers to those children are actionable affirmations that we are all Americans and all committed to a better, brighter future for those children.

The arc of justice may be long, but we can shorten it. So, do the Right, White thing and include Black women in your reproductive choices and, all else being equal, choose them as them as mothers of your children. Indeed, if you accept the need for equity, prioritize your choice of them for motherhood. Remember, by diversifying our fatherhood we spread – dare I say redistribute? – our privilege, thereby reducing the gap between races.

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Reproductive Duties

Gentlemen, Remember Your Reproductive Duties

With the CDC’s report that American fertility and reproductive rates have fallen to record-lows and, at a Total Fertility Rate (TFR) of 1.76 we’re dangerously below the 2.1 TFR needed to maintain population levels, this is potentially catastrophic for our nation’s and people’s future.

So, Gentlemen – especially my fellow White men – we need to get busy fulfilling our reproductive duties. Hence, this post goes beyond the appreciation of the female form and prurience – though, as we all know, prurience is no oddity in Reflections From A Murky Pond – and is meant as both inspiration and a call to action.

America needs babies! So, gentlemen, we need to get out there and make some… a lot of them. Do it for you country!

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