USC's Field Negros

No. You can’t even make this shit up. I really don’t know if this is just what we allow to pass for colleges in California or a case of the Left Coast wanting to signal that they’re even #Woker than the Northeast. Either way though, USC’s Suzanne-Dworak-Peck School of Social Work wants everyone to know that use of the word “field” will no longer be tolerated.
— Practicum Education Department,
As we enter 2023, we would like to share a change we are making at the Suzanne-Dworak-Peck School of Social Work to ensure our use of inclusive language and practice. Specifically, we have decided to remove the term ‘field’ from our curriculum and practice and replace it with ‘practicum.’ This change supports anti-racist social work practice by replacing language that could be considered anti-Black or anti-immigrant in favor of inclusive language. Language can be powerful, and phrases such as ‘going into the field’ or ‘field work’ may have connotations for descendants of slavery and immigrant workers that are not benign.
USC Suzanne-Dworak-Peck School of Social Work
So, no more “field work,” and no more going into or being out “in the field.” Not sure how they’re planning to handle their “field of study.” 😆 But then, “anti-racism” is, more often than not, anti-sensical.
USC’s Suzanne-Dworak-Peck School of Social Work’s language policing does raise a singular, glaring question in my mind though. If they’re banning “field” from use due to it possibly having certain connotations for “descendants of slavery and immigrant workers,” are they also going to ban the use of “house?” After all, the House Negro is the antithesis of the Field Negro and holds extremely bad connotations to the majority of Blacks who always seem to need the charity of social work.
Tags: #Woke | America | Blacks | California | Democrats | Language & Idiom | Liberals | Politics | Progressives | Racism | Society | Thought Police | USC