We’re Stronger Together

On of Hillary’s more recent attempts at a campaign slogan and apparently a book is “We’re Stronger Together.” It begs the question, however, of stronger against what or whom.

We're Stronger Together
We’re Stronger Together

Actually, it’s not much of a question. In a reprise of Obama’s variations on a them of “We Can’t Let Them Win,” the enemy is the American people, especially: Whites, men, Christians, and heterosexuals. Most especially, it’s the GOP and anyone who might vote for members of the Republican Party. We are, after all, what Hillary, her supporters, and those they pander to and enable consider deplorables.

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Deplorable Me!

Deplorable MeDeplorable Me

My view on Hillary’s and her followers’ firmly held and stated belief that we’re a basket of deplorables is simple – embrace it!

One, nothing annoys creatures like our domestic enemies quite like turning their insults into points of pride. It not only defangs them, it ridicules their very position and themselves for holding it;

Two, their sort have been so coddled and yet have so much desire to be oppressed, that they actually need a taste of what racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, and Islamaphobia are really like. It’s the only way they’ll ever learn;

Three, if Americans truly want to take our country back and make it great again, we’re going to have to be willing to work for it. We’re going to have to be willing to do the dirty jobs involved in ensuring its rebirth.

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Les Deplorables

Les Deplorables
Les Deplorables

Ah yes, in the minds of America’s domestic enemies we a the deplorables, as Hillary suitably and dutifully labeled us. Perhaps though, Hillary and those she supposedly represents should have better studied history and what can happen when the deplorables have had enough. After all, 222 years and 1 continent shouldn’t be too far for them to look.

Perhaps they need a reminder that the Girondins failed and that a Jacobinian solution is not something that we oh-so-deplorable churls automatically balk at. Perhaps it’s time for Americans to put the ways of Brissot behind us and adopt those of Robespierre.

Liberté, Égalité, Pureté

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The Deplorables

They're The DeplorablesHillary Clinton, while speaking a select group of wealthy queers in New York City last Friday, said that fully 50% of Donald Trump’s supporters were racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and/or islamaphobic. She bluntly and openly described them – a very conservatively estimated 22 million American voters – as a basket of deplorables i.e. as deserving of strong condemnation due to shock, fear, or disgust they engender.

Rather than choose to be offended by Hillary’s declaration, I decided to think about what she said objectively and to take into account the greater context of Hillary’s words, audience, and cultural history. Doing so has allowed me to realize that this is just another case where the Left confuses facts and truth.

The simple and sad fact is that, within the context of how Liberals, Progressives, and those who they enable and pander to have mis-defined various form of bigotry and expanded what they consider examples thereof, we are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and/or islamaphobic. Indeed, given their beliefs, it’s not just 50% of Donald Trump’s supporters who are so deplorable; it’s entirety of the White population of America who is so …or at least so their oikophobic ideology forces them to believe. Their only internal conflict is when an individual with one “protected trait” is perceived by them to have attacked another with a different “protected trait.” Then, suffer from hysterical paralysis until they can determine the hierarchy of victimology.

So what is truly deplorable and abhorrent to Americans is not what Hillary said. It is what her followers truly believe and that is deplorable indeed.

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