Les Deplorables

Les Deplorables
Les Deplorables

Ah yes, in the minds of America’s domestic enemies we a the deplorables, as Hillary suitably and dutifully labeled us. Perhaps though, Hillary and those she supposedly represents should have better studied history and what can happen when the deplorables have had enough. After all, 222 years and 1 continent shouldn’t be too far for them to look.

Perhaps they need a reminder that the Girondins failed and that a Jacobinian solution is not something that we oh-so-deplorable churls automatically balk at. Perhaps it’s time for Americans to put the ways of Brissot behind us and adopt those of Robespierre.

Liberté, Égalité, Pureté

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New Times, Old Tools

Time passes but rarely truly changes. Peoples and nations plod head down and with heavy, stenorous tread through the well-worn ruts of history, marching like blank-faced automata through the pageant of birth, rise, stagnation, tyranny, and fall.

Modern Guillotine
In The Trade Of Liberty Tools Do Not Change Much

Certainly, America has it players for the parts of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette in the persons of Barack and Michelle Obama. So too do we have a clergy, in the form of the intelligentsia, preaching the Divine Right of our would-be king and that of their aristocracy.

It then devolves to the American people to play the part of the Girondins or, needs must when the Devil drives, the Jacobins, for are we not already a society of the friends of the Constitution? Because, be it through means of Brissot or of Robespierre, something must be done to save America from the fast-approaching tyranny.


The Universe spirals downward to dissolution while the Reaper sits by, drinking tea sweetened with dead stars.

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