Confirmation Bias

The Left's Violent Confirmation Bias
The Left’s Violent Confirmation Bias

Confirmation bias is a real thing. The Democrats just have an extreme case of it that presents in a specifically pernicious and destructive manner. Then, they are et al insane, some of them congenitally, so this is not shocking.

It is, however, just a sign of these degenerate times.

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Ginsburg: Unlamented
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Unlamented

I’m not going to sugarcoat anything. I’m glad Justice Ginsburg is gone. While I don’t rejoice in her death – She was never that bad of a person – I’m very glad she’s no longer poisoning the SCOTUS with her well-written but piss-poor, agenda-driven opinions.

Frankly, Justice Ginsburg was, proper jurisprudence-wise, the worst judge in the current SCOTUS. Only her counterpart, the late Justice Scalia came close to matching her failings to place the law above personal opinion. Hence, her passing is a boon to America in my opinion.

And no, none of this detracts from Ginsburg’s historical significance. She was the 2nd woman appointed to the Court and the first Jewish woman – and only the 2nd Jew – to be so appointed. Yet, that significance is solely identity-based and, thus suspect.

So no; I don’t in any way lament Ginsburg passing since it was the only way she’d leave the Court.

NOTE: To those sorts who would attack me over this post: I have a solid background the law, some of which was in a professional capacity, and actually regularly read SCOTUS and Appellate Court opinions. If you can’t argue in that arena, best you just shut up and move along.

If you can do so, however, bring it on! A robust, even vitriolic, debate upon the specifics, nature, purpose, and fundamental basis of law in America is part and parcel to this “Grand Experiment” which is our nation.

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Justice Kavanaugh

Justice Kavanaugh
Justice Kavanaugh!

Yes! This piece of the Dems’ shithole freakshow is over.  On Saturday, October 6, 2018 the Senate Republicans finally ended the Left’s passion play and confirmed Judge Brett Kavanaugh as the 114th Supreme Court Justice, thereby providing many decades during which the proper place of the Constitution can and will be restored.

The Senate Dems led their slavering horde of Feminazis and insane Millennial Snowflakes onto the tracks – or were goaded onto them by that rabid mob – but failed to derail the train coming down those tracks. Not, mind you, that they ever could have stopped Kavanaugh’s confirmation irrespective of how vicious, mendacious, and low their tactics were. The Kavanaugh train was always going to pull into the station and what delay in this our domestic enemies caused was only through the charity showed them by Senate Republicans.

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Hearing Them Cry

Dems at the Kavanaugh confirmations. Hearing them Cry is equal parts annoying and affirming
Dems – Hearing Them Cry

That’s the thing about seeing, reading of, and hearing the shameless, infantile, and mendacious screaming and squalling of the Dems during the pro forma confirmation hearings  of Brett Kavanaugh; it’s equal parts annoying and enjoyable.

Yes, hearing the representatives of our domestic enemies have tantrums and engage in behavior so far beneath what is expected of adults, much less people in positions of responsibility is both horrifying and gratifying in equal measure. While it is painful to experience, it perfectly showcases exactly what the worth of our enemies is.

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Restoration Project

Restoration Project The Restoration Project

With the confirmation of President Trump’s latest nominee to the SCOTUS beginning today, we are beginning one of our nation’s largest and most important restoration projects – the restoring of a proper interpretation of the US Constitution and a return to it being the foundation of all US law and court decisions.

And that is exactly half of why the Liberals and Progressives are screaming, ranting, and gnashing their teeth over Kavenaugh. The other half being, of course, that he was nominated by President Trump.

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