Suicide In America

Suicide Of The WestSuicide In America

Suicide in America and by America is on the rise and it’s being assisted by Islam and using Liberals and Progressives as weapon. And yes, it will be our domestic enemies, the Liberals and Progressives who are our proximate cause of death. Islam and various other enemy groups will just fight over our nation’s carcass.

Face facts; how can it be viewed any other way after a crazed Muslim terrorist – one who had been previous investigated as a terrorist twice by Obama’s FBI – decided to adhere to the Qur’an and launch a terrorist attack upon a gay bar in Orlando, FL, butchering dozens and wounding dozens more and the Left blamed:

  • Firearms
  • Christianity
  • Generalized and Unspecific Homophobia

They won’t even mention Islam or Muslims except to: say that it’s they’re no way to blame for terrorism; must be protected, no matter what, from anything and everything; and that Muslims are horribly oppressed by the American people.

This is to be expected. Liberals and Progressives are dealing with the intersectionality of otherness. Since both Muslims and Queers are considered sufficiently other to gain the Left’s loyalty and special protections, they were suddenly placed in the awkward and conflicted position of having to on the fly determine a hierarchy of otherness and privilege.

Rather than do that they chose to cast blame on anything and everything that is generally considered normal and normative by Americans and tried their best to convince themselves that there is equivalency between not wanting to bake a cake for a queer wedding and gunning down a club full of queers.

Of course, one could pick any one of many, many other incidents involving interactions between the Liberals’ and Progressives’ individuals or groups possessing specially protected traits and find similar responses, especially when two or more such groups are in conflict.

Hence, America’s suicide will be by Liberalism; it’s the gun our nation has placed in its mouth. Islam is merely the current finger cocking the hammer.

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Thus Did We Die

The flag flies at half staff over land in mourning for the passing of AmericaIt is a simple fact, proven time and time again by history, that most nations fall through the actions of others, not through their own, though it is also proven true that in many cases it is actions of their own that hastened or guaranteed their destruction by their foreign enemies. In all truth, it has always been an extreme rarity – and exceptional historical event – for any nation to truly fall and be destroyed by itself. In the normal course of events, the self-harm of a nation leads to its destruction but is not the actual, proximal cause of it.

And yet, we of the West are so very exceptional.

The nations and peoples of Western Civilization – in the modern era, the bastion of the Civilized World – are exceptional to the point of near uniqueness. We, lacking foreign enemies with both the will and the means to bring about of destruction and extermination, have chosen to breed, raise, and train our own destroyers.

So the final conclusion would surely be that whereas other civilizations have been brought down by attacks of barbarians from without, ours had the unique distinction of training its own destroyers at its own educational institutions, and then providing them with facilities for propagating their destructive ideology far and wide, all at the public expense. Thus did Western Man decide to abolish himself, creating his own boredom out of his own affluence, his own vulnerability out of his own strength, his own impotence out of his own erotomania, himself blowing the trumpet that brought the walls of his own city tumbling down, and having convinced himself that he was too numerous, labored with pill and scalpel and syringe to make himself fewer. Until at last, having educated himself into imbecility, and polluted and drugged himself into stupefaction, he keeled over–a weary, battered old brontosaurus–and became extinct.

Malcolm Muggeridge

One need only open one’s eyes and look around in to see that Mr. Muggeridge was not wrong. No, Mr. Muggeridge’s prediction seems more rational than cynical these days, decades after he made it, as any with any level of objective awareness can see.

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Black Suicide

Black Male Suicide - Freedom comes from the barrel of a gunAs anyone with the ability to see what’s happening knows, the “Black Community” is plodding and shuffling down the preordained path to destruction. The end for them is already decided and there’s nothing that they can do about it, nor is there anything the rest of us could or should do about it. They sealed their fate decades ago in such a way as to make any intervention both impossible and unwarranted.

The “Black Community” is doomed to extinction and, while it might take as much as century for them to expire, expire they will.

The question that remains is will the last male of the “Black Community” standing, kneeling, or laying there be honest and admit that it was suicide, not murder or calamity that ended their culture.

  • Will he admit that they turned upon and preyed their own, finding any and all reasons, even unto the shade of their skins, to segregate themselves?
  • Will he admit they spent their wealth foolishly, preferring the outward trappings of luxury to any efforts at building a lasting financial security?
  • Will he admit that they destroyed their minds and bodies, as well as their finances, with drugs and alcohol?
  • Will he admit that they ate themselves to death, preferring foods that did far more harm to them than good?
  • Will he admit that they turned their backs on educating themselves and their progeny?

With none of his people left to care or be cared about, this last male of the “Black Community” might make such admissions but I doubt it. Most likely, he will stay strong and cleave to his theology, which says unto him that it is “Whitey’s” fault that he and his have gone the way of the dodo.

White bitch screaming, That's Racist!At this point, if they made it this far, the Liberals and Progressives, most of whom happen to be well-heeled, privileged, and White, are gnashing their teeth and screaming at their computers about how racist this article is. So too will some members of the “Black Community” but they, at least, will have some reason to do so since harsh truths and negative prognoses often drive people into denial and lashing out.

But, to what I hope but do not expect to be their chagrin, this isn’t my idea or really my words. What I have done here is to merely paraphrase the words of “The Last Black Man Standing” by Dr. Kamau Kambon, a racist blacktivist who has called for the extermination of all White people. That, by the Liberals’, Progressives’, and their minority tenants’ own rules, makes these statement impossible to be racist.

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Pull The Trigger

Fashion photographer Terry Richardson, who is as well known for his sexual perversions and predation as for his work, has put a new photo set of the Hollywood’s favorite train wreck, Lindsay Lohan.

Lindsay Lohan Is Such A Tease

Pull The Trigger!

Let’s be honest with ourselves, if not with each other; when most of us see these pictures our first thought is, “Pull the trigger!” We might feel guilty over it – I don’t – but we do wish that Lindsay Lohan would suicide to put us out of her misery.

Frankly, it’s sad but true that it seems that the only way society can be freed from the media’s obsession with inundating us with the excruciating details of the failures of these human wreckage is for them to die. Then we just have to suffer through a few weeks of eulogizing these failures and are then left in peace.

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