Signs Of Victory

The American EagleIn the long war to rebuild, restore, and renew the great, if beleaguered without and within, nation of America there are signs that we, the People are gaining the upper hand and are on the road to real victory over the neo-Socialist Liberals, Progressives, and other Statist domestic enemies.

Some signs are large and easy to recognize, such as the results of the 2010 elections.

Other signs are smaller, harder to see and analyze. Yet, it may well be these signs that truly presage Americans’ final victory over the Left.

Comments Are Closed

I’m in the Blogosphere more than a little and, in order to make this more efficient, my various tools roam the internet scanning for keywords and tags of interest to me. This gives me a partial overview of what’s happen in the world of alternative journalism that I can analyze with other tools.

If you’re one of those who’ve commented or complained about my commenting on your article mere moments after you published it, at least now you know how and why it happened.

A recent trend I’ve seen is Liberal blogs having closed the comments on their posts. I don’t mean on older posts; I mean that they’re publishing articles and not allowing any commentary upon them from the start.

This is very much one of those smaller, harder to see signs that we, the People are on the course to victory!

At the very grassroots level, the more vocal of our enemies are in retreat. They’ve given up the argument and, in the method of their doing so, they’ve isolated themselves from each other.

How long can they maintain their efforts without the reinforcement of their Leftist echo chambers? I can’t say, but it’s likely that they’ll only howl in their lonely personal wildernesses for so long before going silent.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. 😉

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Dead Congress Walking

Congressional Democrats shoot themselves in the foot, becoming a Dead Congress WalkingThe Liberals trying to rule Congress and spread their version of Statism across America are set to commit “suicide by electorate.” Few of them will survive the 2010 Congressional mid-term elections because of how they’ve willfully chosen to ignore and disrespect we, the People on the matter of healthcare reform.

They should be assured that no American will miss them or mourn their passing from power – or life.

The House and Senate separately drafted hyper-partisan bills loaded down with kick-backs and bribes, mostly via committees and behind closed doors; in the wake of Sen. Scott Brown’s (R-MA) election they opted to misuse the Budget Reconciliation process aka “The Nuclear Option” to pass the legislation in the Senate with a mere 51 votes; finally, Pelosi and Louis Slaughter have chosen to “deem and pass” the bill in the House in order to avoid a floor vote upon it.

While none of what the Democrats, led by such Liberal extremists as Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and President Obama, have done involving their plans to reconstruct the healthcare provisioning methods of America – functionally, if not explicitly, taking over 1/6 of the country’s economy in the process – is explicitly illegal or unconstitutional, most of what they’ve done is directly contrary to will and desires of the American people.

These Democrats will pay a suitably horrific price for their ill-conceived and pernicious actions and their failure to abide by the wishes of the American people. They will no longer be able to govern the nation, and they know it.

President Obama: Then You Can’t Govern

President Obama was right in asserting that, if they try to pass any major and invasive legislation such as ObamaCare by a 50 + 1 majority, neither he nor his Liberals in Congress will be able to govern the nation. Yet he and they no longer seem to care about that or about the American people who they obviously hold in contempt.

However, this turn of event was boldly foreshadowed many months ago; it shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. This has always been about them and their power of the People; never for a single moment was it about what we wanted or felt we needed.

Since it has been plainly shown to the American people that neither Congress nor the President serves the People any longer and seeks instead to rule over us – for our own good, of course – we are looking at both a Dead Congress and Dead President Walking.

Assuming drastic measures aren’t taken by either the People or Obama’s regime before that time, The 2010 elections will be a proverbial bloodbath for the Democrats and the 2012 Presidential election will be the proverbial death knell for Barack Obama.

We will just have to hope that it isn’t by that time too late for our country.

Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down.  😉

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Surrendering Respect

New York's Governor, David PatersonIt seems that the unelected, embattled, racist who currently fouls the New York State Executive Mansion in Albany, NY, David Paterson has an image problem. People keep referring to him by his first name instead of showing the “proper obeisance” and calling him by the unearned title of “Governor.”

It seems that, no matter what venue he is in, people keep referring to him as, “David,” though many quickly “correct” themselves afterward. Many just do not view Mr. Paterson as an especially elevated or intimidating figure.

This is something that bothers the political operatives that the DNC has provided to Paterson.

Being called David can undercut that improvement, and undermine his perceived authority. “I rarely hear the word governor. I always hear David,” said George Arzt, a campaign strategist who advises Democratic candidates in New York. “On the one hand, it’s charming, in a campaign sort of way, that he’s one of the people. On the other hand, it shows he’s not feared.”

What is important in Arzt’s lament is the use of “fear” instead of “respect.” Paterson’s campaign strategists have surrendered any thought of- or desire for the wildly unpopular Paterson to be respected by the people of New York; they’re wishing for him to be feared instead.

A man worthy of being called such desires respect, both for himself and for those things he supports.  A thug, deserving and having no respect for itself or its own agenda, desires to be feared.

It’s also a risky strategy. Americans aren’t cowards and have a tendency to rightfully “remove” things that cause them or their families fear. Paterson is blind; he’d never see the bullet. 😉

Yet – the misbegotten mockery of mankind, Paterson, aside – isn’t such an attitude as George Arzt’s both indicative and typical of the attitude of the new misborn breed of Liberal that has usurped control of the Democrat party both in New York and across our beleaguered nation?

To govern a people requires mutual respect. But Americans have already seen that this new breed of Liberal – Statists who advance a diseased, anti-American, mongrel hybridization of Socialism and Italian Fascism – have little or no interest in governance; they desire to rule.

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Government By The…

President Abraham Lincoln, as the closing lines of his historical Gettysburg Address in November of 1883, said, “…and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

Sadly for America, 146 years later President Barack Obama has been proven to believe that the new nation he and his Liberals are striving to replace America with is to be one that will ensure that, “people of the government, by the government, for the government, shall not perish from the earth.”

Obama's Nearly Pure Statist Cabinet

Under Obama’s Regime Only Statists Are Allowed

Less than 10% of President Obama’s Cabinet appointees have any private sector work experience at all; over 90% of them are solely from the public sector (government) or academia. Given that public sector employment has since the 1950s accounted for only 15 – 19% percent of Americans’ total employment sources, this had to be the result of a conscious effort.

It should be obvious that this represents a direct attack upon America. Such a President and Cabinet will not put forth or endorse any resolution that isn’t based upon increasing the government’s power at the expense of America’s private sector and Americans’ personal liberty.

In a very profound sense President Obama, his Cabinet, and his Liberals represent an existential threat to our once great nation.

President Lincoln gave his address during the Civil War. America is currently in the midst of another civil war – albeit a largely bloodless one so far. What remains to be seen is whether Americans can prevail against Obama and his Liberals, or whether President Lincoln’s hallowed memory and America itself will be corrupted beyond all recognition and destroyed by the Statists led by messiah, Barack Obama.

Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. 😉

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