Denying Atzlan (NSFW)

Arizona State FlagThe state legislature of Arizona recently drafted the United States’ most comprehensive, stringent, and potentially effective anti-illegal immigration law, SB 1070, which Governor Brewer signed into law on Friday, April23, 2010. As expected, Liberals and their minority tenants went insane.

The Liberals have called Arizona’s new illegal immigrations as being equivalent apartheid, Nazi Germany, and the old Jim Crow laws. Various Leftists have advocated punitively boycotting Arizona and the race-baiting filth, Al Sharpton, ever eager for the self-aggrandizement, has promised to lead riots across Arizona if SB 1070 isn’t revoked.

Of course few, if any, of these sorts have bothered to read Arizona’s SB 1070 – the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act – or compare to current federal immigration laws and their supposed enforcement. Those that have likely don’t care; they’re too steeped in hatred of America, racism vs. Whites, and their own political agendas to worry overmuch about facts that contradict their views.

President Obama claims the law is misguided and his Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano, has parroted her boss’s assessment and added that this is a Homeland Security matter best left to the federal government to solve.

What I find far worse than “misguided” is the fact that no federal administration in decades, irrespective of political party, has done anything except ignore or exacerbate the threat to America posed by our porous and ever more dangerous southern border. They’re ongoing outright refusal to even enforce the laws currently on the books is worse than misguided; it’s criminal and a dereliction of the duties of the POTUS and has been based solely upon political expediency and pandering.

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ObamaCare Metaphor

On Thursday, July 20, 2009, President Obama held what has been referred to as the “Beer Summit” in the in the Rose Garden of the White House. The President hosted Officer James Crowley of the Cambridge Police Dept. and Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. of Harvard University at the White House for a beer and a bit of conversation.

Since some idiots seem to care, Pres. Obama drank Bud Light, Officer Crowley drank Blue Moon, and Prof. Gates drank red Stripe – none of which are brewed by wholly American-own breweries.

Whatever value the tête-à-tête had in the context of race relations and racial reconciliation remains to be seen, as does whatever value it may have in smoothing over Pres. Obama’s earlier “racial charged” stupidity.

All that aside, the “Beer Summit” was a Public Relations and Propaganda – yes;  irrespective of who’s in office, almost anything officially released to the media by the White House is propaganda – failure that affects an unrelated and far greater issue – the healthcare debate and the Liberals’ America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 (AAHCA).

Obamacare Metaphor - It's not pretty
A Metaphor for ObamaCare

The young, healthy Black man walks ahead proudly, never looking back, as the middle-class White Man helps the Aged and Infirm Black Man down the steps. That is not a pretty picture, but is a picture that sums up one of the opposition’s views in the healthcare debate.

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Boiling Down Gates

By now most of America, and probably the Civilized World, knows the basics of the altercation between Cambridge Police Officer, James Crowley and Black Activist and Harvard Professor, Henry Louis Gates Jr. President Obama’s cronyism, stupidity, and racism assured that the incident would be headline news.

Still, there is a lot of divergent opinions on the matter and the underlying causes of it. This is to be expected, since there are many who would use such an incident, and it’s inappropriate addition to the national news, to further their own biased agendas.

So let’s boil down the situation that occurred between Prof. Gates and Officer Crowley:

Gates and Crowley - You Peckerwood Honkie
No! I won’t excuse You for being White and a Cop

On one side of the issue we have Harvard Prof. Henry Louis Gates Jr., a professional racial activist who made his fame and fortune largely, though not exclusively, by capitalizing on the “plight of the Black man in America.”

Prof. Gates and his attorney, Charles Ogletree, released a statement – to The Root, a purely “Afrocentric” organ,  of course – outlining Gate’s view of the incident.

On the other side of the issue we have Cambridge Cambridge Police Officer, James Crowley, an 11-year veteran of the police force. Officer Crowley, in addition to his regular duties, has for the past 5 years taught a class on avoiding racial profiling for five years at the Lowell Police Academy. He was hand-picked to teach the course by former police Commissioner Ronny Watson, who is Black.

Officer gates, along with his partner, Officer Carlos Figueroa, who is Latino, filed their official police reports of the incident.

What happened? A professional Black Activist and a White police officer who teaches an anti-Racial Profiling course had a dispute during the course of investigating a burglary. Since the issue boils down to the character and probable motives, I’ll you all decide whose story is closer to the truth and who had a motivation and predilection for racial antagonism.

Barring further developments, I’m done with this farce, though I may comment futher on tangential issues.

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