Reaching An Agreement
In an odd twist of fate, either engendered by Divine Providence or Random Chance, the extreme apocalyptic views of Religion and Science are finally in agreement.
Repent! The End is Near!
Lo! And the seas shall boil and the skies shall burn, and the grass will be parched and a third of the trees laid waste! And this will happen at 10:00AM, twice on Saturdays!
Repent now, you sinners steeped in depravity – or a Developed Nation’s prosperity – lest God or Al Gore smite you.
I wonder how long it will be before the Warmists develop their own version of the Rapture? I suppose that will have to wait until we have better spaceflight though. π
Tags: Al Gore | Apocalypse | Atheists | Cartoons | Global Warming | Humor | Religion | Science