It Could Have Been Worse

It Could Have Been Worse
We Could Be Looking At the Squaw/Skank Redemption ticket
It Could Have Been Worse

As horrific and horrifically ridiculous as the Dems’ Biden-Harris – or is that the Harris-Biden ticket? – it could have been both more horrific and more ridiculous. We could have been looking at the Squaw/Skank Redemption ticket going up against our President, Donald Trump, and Vice President Mike Pence.

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Kamala’s Supporters

Kamala's Supporters
Kamala’s Supporters

Kamala Harris, the DNC’s most prominent token, doesn’t really have supporters. The only sorts that actually support her are a subset of gender-driven Feminists and opportunistic Blacktivists. That certainly doesn’t bode well for her presumed Harris Administration if Americans fail in their duty and allow Biden and her to take the White House.

Of course, what’s equally sad and scary is that neither Harris nor Biden need supporters. It’s already been made fairly clear that likely Democrats don’t like either of them at all. Yet, that antipathy isn’t important. Hate is enough for them in these times.

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Shiteaters For Biden

Shiteaters For Biden
Shiteaters For Biden

Exactly! Sadly for the American people though, we’re infected with a damn lot of shiteating Democrats who’ll dive into the shit sandwich that is the Biden-Harris campaign like cats on an old, dead feminist.

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Biden-Harris 2020

Biden-Harris 2020
Burn It Down!
Biden-Harris 2020
Burn It All Down

The perfect photo-op and the perfect slogan for the Biden-Harris campaign – or is it the Harris-Biden campaign, or the Harris Campaign together with Biden serving as the presidential nominee?

In any event, “Burn It All Down” is the perfect campaign slogan for them.

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What Do They Want?

What Do They Want?
How Are They Going To Do It?
Why Do They Want It?

Summing up the Democrats entire 2020 campaign platform
What Do They Want?
How Are They Going To Do It?
Why Do They Want It?

This sums up the foremost and primary goal of our domestic enemies, the Democrats and those sorts likely to vote for them. It also sums up the extent of Creepy Uncle Joe’s and his Token Negress’ political platform.

Ironic that these sorts love to repeat the refrain, “Hate Will Never Win,” when the entirety of their political position is built upon the rabid and unreasoning hatred of POTUS we, the People elected.

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