The Unhealthy Truth

Obama and the Liberals in Congress said a lot things about ObamaCare. They made a lot of promises about how it would be good for both people and the nation’s economy.

The Truth is that ObamaCare is unhealthy for the economy
ObamaCare’s Unhealthy Truth

It’s really shame that all that jabbering was nothing but lies. The truth is that ObamaCare is not only unhealthy for people, it’s unhealthy for the economy as well.

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Oh, The Humanity

Some disasters, due to the damage they wreak upon people and the shock the societal consciousness they cause, are fated for lasting fame or infamy. Two such horrific disasters that come quickly to mind are the Hindenburg and ObamaCare…

ObamaCare Hindenburg
Oh, The Humanity

If Herb Morrison were still alive he could fairly reprise his famous commentary.

It’s a terrific crash, ladies and gentlemen. It’s smoke, and it’s flames now … and the frame is crashing to the ground, not quite to the mooring-mast. Oh, the humanity and all the patients screaming around here. I told you, I can’t even talk to people whose friends are on there. Ah! It’s–it’s–it’s–it’s … o–ohhh! I–I can’t talk, ladies and gentlemen. Honest, it’s just laying there, a mass of smoking wreckage. Ah! And everybody can hardly breathe and talk, and the screaming. Lady, I–I’m sorry. Honest: I–I can hardly breathe. I–I’m going to step inside where I cannot see it. Charlie, that’s terrible. Ah, ah—I can’t. I, listen, folks, I–I’m gonna have to stop for a minute because I’ve lost my voice. This is the worst thing I’ve ever witnessed.

The Hindenburg disaster in 1937, along with political and economic issues, hastened the demise of the Zeppelins. One can reasonably assume that the ObamaCare disaster in 2013 and ongoing, along with political and economic issues, will similarly hasten the demise of Obama and many Liberal politicians or, at the very least, leave their legacies permanently tarnished and infamous.

The similarities between the disastrous and failed roll-out of ObamaCare and the Hindenburg disaster are, however, limited. The Hindenburg was a short, sharp disaster and largely acute in nature; it happened and then it was over. ObamaCare is a more lasting disaster, one which we’ve only seen the initial damages from. In this sense it is more akin to the 1989 tire dump fire in Heyope, Wales which burnt, spewing toxins, for over 15 years.

The other and more horrific difference is that the loss of lives and livelihoods caused by ObamaCare will far outstrip either the Hindenburg disaster or the Heyope tire fire. In the end, if left unchecked, the ObamaCare disaster’s toll in lives and livelihoods will likely only be matched, if that, by the Holocaust.

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ObamaCare Train Wreck

ObamaCare is the law of the land despite the opposition of 100% of the GOP and the majority of the population of America. That train has left the station as it were.

ObamaCare Train Wreck
ObamaCare Is Coming Your Way!

Of course much of that train broke down as it left that station and the ongoing failures and delays put the lie to the comparisons, some apt and some fanciful, between Obama and Hitler. Obama can’t get that train to run on time. 😉

But Obama was installed in office on the belief that he was a “game changer,” a messiah who would break all the old paradigms, prove the tried and true axioms wrong, and usher in a new age. So far, with ObamaCare the boy has proved the adage, “Better late than never” to not be universally true, so his followers weren’t entirely wrong.

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She Finally Read It

With the utter and growing disaster that ObamaCare has been proven to be, many Democrats are now scrambling to reposition themselves on the issue, preferable by denying and distancing themselves from their previous positions in favor of the federal government’s quasi-takeover of America’s healthcare industry.

Pelosi Then & NowPelosi Finally Read It

San Francisco’s aging and politically battered fag hag, Nancy Pelosi seems to have finally had someone read her the text of ObamaCare and now knows what’s in it. She doesn’t seem any happier about it and the damage its already causing than Americans are. 😉

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ObamaCare Sluts

As most people are now aware, ObamaCare is a failure, in no small part because very few people want it. Hence, it’s not at all surprising that there;s now some “creative” marketing taking place to get people, especially young, healthy people who normally don’t have or want significant health insurance to sign up.

Colorado in particular is hoping that its exchanges could work in a niche market – sluts.

Obamacare Slut
Colorado Markets ObamaCare To Sluts

The demeaning and offensive ads are part of a marketing campaign from Colorado Consumer Health Initiative and ProgressNow Colorado Education that strongly implies that young Coloradan women would only be interested in Colorado’s government-run health care exchange if they were able to get coverage for birth control pills in order to have casual sex with random men without the fear of an unplanned pregnancy.

There are other ads in this marketing campaign and they’re all aimed at the lowest and most venal denominators – mostly promiscuity and drunken debauchery.

Then again, ObamaCare is all about pandering to- and subsidizing the lowest common denominator so these ads, sexist and demeaning as they are, make a certain amount sense. 😉

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