Do Anything To Get Trump

Do Anything To Get Trump
Do Anything To Get Trump

That aptly, if rather offputtingly, sums up the Dems in the House right now. They’d be more than willing to whore themselves – and, most likely, their family members – to impeach Americans’ President, Donald Trump.

To be fair though, it’s unfair and disgusting in its way to single out Pelosi as a whore. Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib are at least as likely to be willing to suck cock for Impeachment. And, the rest of the Dems would be on their knees right beside those whores.

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Contextual Law & Crime

Contextual Law & Crime
Contextual Law & Crime

Apparently, the very concept of law and crime is contextual in what passes for the minds of Democrats. But then, those sorts fully believe that the law, like anything else, means whatever they want it to mean at that moment.

But hey! These are the sorts of enemies that don’t even include “high crimes and misdemeanors” in their bullshit-tastic Article of Impeachment and who claim that they don’t need to do so. So, we all know what they’re really about – a coup, a coup that started the moment that Donald Trump became in their eyes a serious contender for the 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination.

Then the real context of the Democrats views on law and crime is based solely upon political party, identity politics, and overturning the legal results of the 2016 Presidential Election.

But oh how they’d scream and gnash their teeth is we, the American People applied context to law and crime, declaring that it is no crime if it is an by an American upon a Democrat or likely Democrat …

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It's Collusion I Tell You!

It's Collusion I Tell You! St. Nicholas and Krampus are in it together!
It’s Collusion I Tell You!

This is equal parts funny, maddening, and sad. Given the state of the Democrats and the sorts that support them, this image would be seen as conclusive proof that St. Nicolas was colluding with Krampus … and misusing his authority in the course of doing so.

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An American Carol


An American Carol
I Know Who Hates Donald Trump

( Click to Enlarge )

At last! The perfect American carol for this particular Yuletide Season. Now, if only Krampus would come, beat down our domestic enemies with his stick, shove them in his sack, and take them off to be put to their only proper use … as foodstuffs.

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When It’s 2019 …

When It's 2019 And The Left Is Trapped In 2016
When It’s 2019 And The Left Is Trapped In 2016

When put you’re outrage on hold and think about it, that’s all the Democrats’ impeachment nonsense is; it’s them and the sorts who vote for them still trying to “win” the 2016 election. They’re deranged and trapped in that moment in time when we, the People dashed their hopes and dreams by electing Donald Trump to the Presidency.

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