You’re Born That Way

Born Racist - Born That Way Because You're WhiteYou’re Born That Way

Hey, White People! You’re racist; you’ve always been racist and you’ll always be racist. You’re born that way! Your were and are racist from birth just because you’re White. Such is the strongly held belief of Liberals and Progressives – most of whom are, themselves, White…but guilty about that – and the “Black Community.”

That is the core belief of the Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) among us. They use their shibboleth, White Privilege to both identify their own and their fellow travelers and provide themselves a rationale to label all Whites as racists…because they’re White.

Irony, Hypocrisy, or Both?

So, according to the SJWs and the ever-angsty, hateful, and covetous Blacks all Whites are inherently, implicitly, and irredeemably racist just because they’re White. Also, only Whites are such because only Whites can be racist by the SJWs’ definition.

I don’t know if deciding that a “race” and only one “race,” Whites is always racist is ironic to the point that Hipsters would kneel and chant “We are not worthy” or an example of hypocrisy so rank that maggots would recoil from it in nauseated horror. Probably it’s a bit of both.

Born That Way Sounds Familiar

Yeah, that’s part of the irony and hypocrisy of this. That Whites are declared to be born racist sounds awfully like queers are born homosexual. The difference being that the Left and the Blacks have absolutely no issue with either persecuting Whites for it or with staging “interventions” and enacting “aversion therapies” to get rid of it or, at the very least, coerce Whites into being ashamed of it. Being born that way seems to only be an excuse accepted by certain sorts for certain things, not all, and things done to someone to “correct” their inborn flaws seem to be wrong only some of the time.

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Still Not Bothered

Wenona and Michelle Lovers
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Girls Kissing Girls? Nope! Still Not Bothered By It

I posted about homosexual public displays of affection (PDAs), apparently something that queer activists think Americans hate and loath, only affecting male queers and waited almost nine months for some sort of outrage…and waited, and waited.

Nope! We’re still not bothered by girls kissing girls in public or private. The post is quite popular but the singular comment was positive. Hell! If various polls, statistics, and anecdotes are to be believed, we like it.

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Really! We Don’t Mind

Occasionally in America, normally due to some instigation by LGBT Social Justice Warriors, the topic of homosexual public displays of affection (PDAs) comes up. Most recently it was due to Hillary Clinton’s queer outreach campaign ad, which made a few ripples in that conversation.

What the topic, conversation, and whining always avoids though is the simple fact that what few complaints are actually made against queer PDAs are almost universally gendered. In other words, while two men lip-locking may well engender derision, two women kissing, even unto the point of some serious snogging, is rarely a cause for complaint.

Simply put, if it’s two women kissing and they’re not butt ugly – and yes, we often complain about butt ugly hetero couples’ PDAs too – we don’t mind. Really! We don’t!

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Girls Kissing Girls? Really! We Don’t Mind At All

Honestly, the various and sundry complaints that the lesbians make about reactions to their kissing in public are equal parts ridiculous, hilarious, and annoying due to the total fallacy of them.

I’m well past being young and the meme of young women “experimenting” in college long predates me and has rarely raised anything but a titillated eyebrow. And that has expanded to the not particularly ranted against LUGs. Indeed, the socialization and mainstreaming of lesbianism has reached the point where “Barsexuals” are the norm in clubs instead of the rarity worthy of any particular note.

And, as for the pornography industry, sadly almost always a good indicator of what is and/or will be the sexual norm, girl-on-girl was for decades the number sub-genre of porn…until it became so mainstreamed that it largely stopped being a sub-genre and became a de rigueur inclusion in most non-genre specific porn films and videos.

Yeah, the evidence supports the theory that, by and large, we don’t mind seeing two women kiss or, more accurately, we don’t mind it any more than we do a subjectively as attractive heterosexual couple doing so . In a lot of cases, we actively enjoy it.

In a twisted point of fact, the one’s most likely to complain about to women kissing in public are the lesbians. They have a deep-seated problem with women of insufficient “lesbian cred” doing so. Then, lesbians have a long history of despising bisexual women too so their attitude and derision is, at least, consistent with their pathology.

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In This Day And Age

In this sad and degenerate day and age America has devolved into something that is already barely recognizable – though not, as yet, as unrecognizable as our domestic enemies, the Liberals, Progressives, and their minority tenants desire and demand.

Cake & Baby Parts
Of Cake And Baby Parts In This Day And Age

In this day and age America has politicized cake and socialized infanticide, more often called abortion and more politically correctly termed “reproductive freedom.” The government will go out of its way to persecute and destroy a business owner who won’t support the queers but will endorse and subsidize abortion mills… even when these abortionists are padding their bank accounts by selling the body parts of the babies they’ve killed.

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Is Incest Best?

LGBT Rainbow FlagIn the wake of the SCOTUS declaring that all 50 states must allow queers to marry it is now, more than ever, a good time to ask, is incest best. Should you put your sister or daughter to the test? Is it true that the family that lays together stays together?

We’ve been greasing that slope for decades and it now the time to ask these questions.

Really! Given the dogma surrounding the queers’ demands, i.e., “Love is Love,” and that what two consenting adults do to and with each other carnally is nobody’s business, what basis are we left with to say that, as long as your sister and/or daughter is of the age of consent, it’s legally wrong to fornicate with her?

We certainly can no longer claim to disallow adult – as defined as of the Age of Consent – incest must be illegal because it is immoral; proponents of “sexual freedom” have declaimed time and time again that morality must not be the basis of law. Likewise, we no longer claim to disallow incest because it is abhorrent and repugnant to the majority of Americans; homosexuality is similarly abhorrent and repugnant to the majority of Americans and they are allowed to sodomize each other and marry each other. So what are we left with?

Yep! Right now there’s probably a Liberal reading this whose head is about to explode because he, she, or it will not or cannot think beyond their hatred of normative American culture.

Of course, consensual incest between adults is legal already legal in a surprising number of nations, including those in Europe. Indeed, in Germany where incest – there defined solely as vaginal intercourse – is illegal, the government’s Ethics Council recommended last year to legalize incest between adult siblings, stating that it is not appropriate for a criminal law to preserve a social taboo. They further claimed that the law against incest “put couples in a tragic situation.”

In the case of consensual incest among adult siblings, neither the fear of negative consequences for the family, nor the possibility of the birth of children from such incestuous relationships can justify a criminal prohibition.

The fundamental right of adult siblings to sexual self-determination has more weight in such cases than the abstract protection of the family.

The German Ethics Council’s recommendation sounds like a disturbingly familiar and horrifically successful argument to me. At this point what counterargument are we left with?

And sadly, the laws on the books concerning incest in the United States vary greatly from state to state, with some forms of incest already being perfectly legal in more jurisdictions than one might think or hope for. Hence, the same foundation as that used to make queer marriage the law of the land has already been laid.

Face it, with the Liberals and Progressives stripping of “bright lines” from the law there’s nothing left to stop incest between adults from being made legal. Nor is there any still legally sound means of preventing other, similar atrocities from being legalized, especially when they are based solely upon arbitrary social conventions and mores.

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